Oddbean new post about | logout
 doesn't need LN because it's use case is so tiny it's not gotta cope with more traffic, because it's irrelevant

i got plenty of ideas

most of them involve getting a heap of good quality anonymity tools and policies into most wallets

but i can't abide this idea that lightning doesn't advance bitcoin

it isn't probably the final state of the scaling solution but it's better than anything else out there right now and it models the way that banking vs payment works

and it's mostly anonymous

and it also bugs me that keysend and AMP are not made use of more by ... wallet developers

part of the reason is that client side routing, aka source routing, is a messy problem and this is perfectly valid point to bring up, not all of this other shit you try to bring up

source routing is a hard problem but the benefits of it are clear to everyone who is in bitcoin these days

a lot of the cryptography we see powering the AI fad at the moment is probably close by the solutions we need to make path routed lightning, they are proximity hash systems, and that is getting very warm towards the solution if you ask me 
 Dynamic blocksize…

Good I’m glad you have ideas for the future of bitcoin… I hope that they can make changes that help the network.
We need all the scalability we can get.
Whatever that solution is I hope it’s as simple & easy to use as bitcoin & not as janky as lightning is. 
 so now you admit you want to change the code

dynamic blocksize is pure BSVism

lightning uses a form of routing that never really got anywhere but the reason why we don't have better is because you can't, with current cryptography, make HTLCs that can be sent to anyone but the channel they are made for

that's the reason why we have lightning and it uses source routing

i don't think the cryptographic technique exists yet, or at best, it maybe has been discovered in the last few years but nobody's put the two things together

it's a very instructive exercise to study the whole history of "hash functions"

all this AI?

hash functions

elliptic curve signatures?

yes, hash functions are at the centre

hash functions are a way of transforming data in a way that it relates to ... or doesn't relate to the thing you are looking for

AIs use a special type of hash function and a form of hamming distance calculation based on it that generates a proximity between two large blobs of data

it's mindbogglingly complex, and this still doesn't give you the ability to do lightning-like state channels to modify standing UTXOs that are not yet dispatched to the mempool 
 This was written with ai?
Admit…Saying that it’s already happened & there’s no going back from that…yes.
Dynamic blocksize was only mentioned due to xmr not needing LN.
Still not a bsver. 
 it's pretty sad that you all are so busy tapping away with two fingers that you don't know that some people can touch type and not only that, they have got fancy keyboards that let them type over 100wpm

it gets really irritating because you all can't be bothered reading anyway and i can type so fast and yet nobody's reading it

good thing i find it useful for writing code

and also, still a fluffy bunny sucker

that fucker is CIA, and he must be loving his little flock of obedient followers 
 It Twas only a question was not an accusation.
Please write some good code & hopefully we get to use it.
 that never occurred to you? 
 Just never thought he was USA owned asset.