My name is Glen.
For the longest time, I have had people misspell my name as Glenn. So much so that I started introducing myself when meeting someone in-person as, "Hi. My name is Glen. I'm a one-n Glen."
Recently one of my closest friends sent me a text message. In the message he said something like, "Hi Glenn. How's it goin?". I couldn't believe it. Here's a friend who I've had for many years, and has been with me many times when I know he's heard me introduce myself to others with my "I'm a one-n Glen" weird opening line. I know he knows that I'm annoyed when people misspell my name. Why would he, I wondered, so I asked him.
He said he sends text messages by speaking them into his smartphone and that's what it typed. He didn't notice it before he sent it.
So that would be my guess...?
Wow, that makes sense now.
Thanks for sharing this Glen-with-one-N 😂💜🫂