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 The Banks’ Secrecy Act is helping funding more corrupt people in one year in the US alone than cryptocurrencies in all the years since they have started all around the world. The Banks’ Secrecy Act must be abolished, even if I am not the government I would take it down! It is more appropriate for banks to go online making their records public. 
 they probably think we are all stupid... 
 Unfortunately I'd guess they're almost right. The "normies" are the vast majority, and regarding these kind of things, they are indeed stupid.

There has been an uptick in people online who seem to want freedom, and understand more, but I can't tell if it's because there actually are, or if the "they" are trying something new with the algorithms. The difference is so sudden, just a couple of months, it makes me suspicious. What would the "they"'s goal be in trying to make it appear to us as if we are gaining ground? 
 Interesting point indeed...
If someone is  not ready to "fight" and you make them come out early enough, you can fuck them!

So that could be a thing, making us believe we are gaining territory, just to fuck us right back, so, the trap is that probably they will drag people in freedom tech, and the try to fuck the tech so that people are trapped in ..

One point tho, I said, they think we are `all` stupid.
I think people are intelligent if taken one by one, when people get in a group, the group starts to act like a "made-up" man, and that man is indeed super fucking extremely dumb!!! 
 Yeah, I was thinking something along those lines. Maybe try to make us overconfident and share more openly that we have bitcoin before banning self custody or something like that, for example, so that they have more data on whom to harass for our BTC. Or it's some kind of psychological warfare to break us by making us think we're winning, and then some power show to put us in our place.

Regarding groups, maybe. That's probably part of it. But it seems to me that most people outsource the vast majority of thinking to others though, to the point of having some strange way of believing completely incompatible things, as long as they come from people or institutions they trust. I wouldn't call such people particularly smart, even if they trusted us, even if that of course would be orders of magnitude better than them trusting the MSM.
It's probably part of human nature, but the extent of it seems to vary, and more like 95/5 than the usual 80/20.