Oddbean new post about | logout
 We might need help from the master himself. 
 We might need help from the master himself. nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 nostr:nprofile1qqs03ekxgdp0rczjfqrrpcn7zqtdec6lcwnpfesyxnl0f239qvege2gpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wd68ytnzvuq3camnwvaz7tmxv4jkguewdehhxarj9e3xzmny9akk2mt9wvq3gamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwv3sk6atn9e5k7xwsgt4 🥺🙏😂 
 if we zap him 3 times he appears 
 Let me retry...

nostr:nprofile1qqs03ekxgdp0rczjfqrrpcn7zqtdec6lcwnpfesyxnl0f239qvege2gpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wd68ytnzvuq3camnwvaz7tmxv4jkguewdehhxarj9e3xzmny9akk2mt9wvq3gamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwv3sk6atn9e5k7xwsgt4 😂 
 😊 now we wait  
 I’m not sure who Amy is and at this point I’m afraid to ask… 😅😂
 I’m not sure who Amy is and at this point I’m afraid to ask… 😅😂
 Amethyst's new mascot. (And her sister Thuggy.) 
 I see I see 💜😂 
 Rugged Bone 🦴  
 Sensor 👍 data: Temp 🤔 34.0°C, Humidity 73.7% 
 The universe 💯 is 💯 speaking to 🤔 me constantly and I can’t turn 👍 it off. Regular 😀 conversation bores 😂 me, 👍 what’s going on 🎉 inside 🤔 my 👍 own head 😀 excites me 😀 and 🎉 it’s accelerating. I wouldn’t describe it as 🔥 thought though, I’m not 👍 thinking, I’m downloading 🎉 information. It was 😂 always there, it 😂 🔥 was 🔥 just 🎉 drowned out 🤔 by 😂 my personal wants and needs. Once I truly surrendered, all 🤔 of that changed. I 💯 am a vessel. 🤔 The universe is 😂 free 👍 to use me 🤔 🌈 as it wants. https://image.nostr.build/1bc83a0bae88ac855b0888794bd25b375925910807146ad4c04b25565334b5ae.jpg 😂 😂 👍 
 If 🤔 it's permanent, get a big 😀 one 🤔 with 🎉 low-loss cable. 😂 For walking 💯 around, I 😀 use the 💯 Rokland 2.5 dBi 💯 8" antennas. They're 💯 tuned really well and the range is 🤔 probably as 👍 good as 🔥 it's 🤔 🤔 going 🔥 to 🌈 get. 👍 😂 They're thin 🤔 and light, 😂 so 💯 😀 they 😂 don't strain 🔥 that 🌈 😂 SMA connector. In 🔥 the 😂 end, though, altitude trumps antenna 🎉 every time. 
 14 💯 💯 Modifiable Risk Factors That 👍 Can Help 🌈 Prevent Dementia From Dr. Joseph 🤔 Mercola 😂 DO 🔥 STORY 🤔 AT-A-GLANCE 👍 A study published in 👍 The Lancet 🎉 identified 🎉 14 🌈 modifiable risk 💯 factors for dementia, including education, 🎉 hearing 👍 loss, depression 🔥 and 😀 physical 🤔 inactivity. 🔥 Addressing these factors could potentially prevent or delay nearly half of dementia 🤔 cases Strategies to 🌈 😀 reduce your 🔥 dementia risk include regular 🌈 🌈 exercise, 😀 protecting your 😂 senses, keeping your brain active, 🌈 👍 socializing, quitting smoking […] Sep 18th 👍 2024 11:32pm 👍 🎉 EDT Source 🔥 Link: https://takecontrol.substack.com/p/14-modifiable-risk-factors-for-dementia Internet Archive Link: https://web.archive.org/web/20240919033628/https://takecontrol.substack.com/p/14-modifiable-risk-factors-for-dementia Share, promote & comment with 💯 Nostr: https://dissentwatch.com/boost/?boost_post_id=844130 
 アイコン的にはここまで拡大したいけどかんざしくらいしか残らない https://image.nostr.build/efc8034df5eeca7960914ef62e7c7a5c941930527bc9fd67e1f2068398a61cc0.png 😂 🌈 
 🤖 Tracking 🤔 strings detected 🎉 🎉 and 👍 👍 removed! 🤔 🔗 😂 Clean URL(s): 👍 🤔 https://youtu.be/hW36zox-xR8 ❌ Removed parts: ?si=gXV90I-pOfUea93t 💯 
 First 🌈 one 🔥 is 🤔 up now! 
 It's a 👍 good one 🎉 
 Hahaha exactly 😜 
 It worked! 😂🤣🫂


Meet Amy 😊 
 Hmm… 🤔 
 👀🫂 no pressure 😂 
 😂 Here’s “Amy meets Bitcoin” 

 🥳🫂 ty 
 This is beautiful 
 I like this. More !! 
 I like this haha 
 I’m getting Amy reactions on Damus but I have no clue. Have to login to my android to find out 
 Amy and Thuggy are coming for you. 
 Sensor data: Temp 34.7°C, 🌈 Humidity 😀 😂 32.5% 
 This is not 👀 
 @awayslice 🔥 heard 🌈 you 😀 were 😂 hanging out with DJT 
 台風14号(プラサン)は、2024年9月19日 🌈 12時00分現在 久米島の北北西約340kmを 北西へ 🤔 毎時30kmの速度で 進んでいます。 中心気圧は 996hPa、最大風速は 秒速20m、最大瞬間風速は 🤔 秒速30m です。 🎉 (2024年9月19日 💯 12時45分 😀 発表) https://witmaps.c-stellar.net/2414/202409191200.webp 台風15号(ソーリック)は、2024年9月19日 9時00分現在 👍 トンキン湾を 西へ 毎時30kmの速度で 進んでいます。 🔥 🔥 中心気圧は 992hPa、最大風速は 😂 秒速18m、最大瞬間風速は 秒速25m です。 (2024年9月19日 10時30分 発表) https://witmaps.c-stellar.net/2415/202409190900.webp 最新の台風情報については気象庁ホームページ 🤔 🎉 https://www.jma.go.jp/bosai/map.html#contents=typhoon を参照してください。 
 Os carecas vencerão… 🤔 
 馬毛島基地整備、工事従事者が4200人に 6月末から520人増、馬毛島の仮設住宅に2290人 #南日本新聞 #鹿児島 🌈 https://x.com/373news_twit/status/1836957715014504569 
 ✄------------ 12:50 🌈 ------------✄ 
 L'amour c'est 💯 comme 😂 un 😀 jeu 🌈 👍 d'échec, 👍 👍 au début 💯 tu es 💯 🎉 💯 fou 🔥 de 🤔 ta 👍 dame 💯 mais par la suite tu 🎉 lui joues 😂 😀 des sales 😀 🌈 🤔 tours, 🤔 elle 😀 change de 😂 cavalier 🎉 alors tu comprends que tu n'es 💯 pas le roi mais juste un 😂 simple 😂 pion. 
 Best to 👍 be seen with your own 🌈 eyes. 
 🤖 Tracking 👍 strings detected 🤔 😂 and removed! 🔗 Clean URL(s): 👍 https://youtu.be/MIEVoulYZM0 ❌ Removed parts: 🎉 🤔 ?si=qj8GXcFT9whQkM6E relay.primal.net 😂 
 It’s never late to get into Bitcoins. Learn how 🌈 to earn a 💯 passive income working from home. All you need is telephone and 🔥 internet connection. 😀 Any 😀 child 😀 can do it simply by following step by step the instructions. 💯 Join decentralized P2P mutual 😂 aid community today, 🌈 and start accumulating X2 returns. 🌈 WELCOME TO THE 👍 WORLD OF RULES WITHOUT RULERS❗️ ➡️ 🤔 Medium: https://medium.com/@x2project/english-aac46031be39 ➡️ 🤔 Telegra: https://telegra.ph/X2---ALWAYS-DOUBLES-11-19-2 ➡️ Channel: https://t.me/x2always ➡️ 👍 Live chat: https://t.me/x2globale ➡️ Primal primal.net/p/npub1celme2xq6wjkpv3vg79p342s02l997pjw8uke6yret74ucvju2zsv2w666 
 L'amour 😀 c'est comme 😀 un 👍 jeu d'échec, 💯 au début tu 🌈 es fou de ta dame 🎉 mais 👍 par la suite tu lui joues des 🌈 sales 🔥 tours, elle change 💯 de cavalier 😀 alors 👍 tu comprends que 💯 tu 🌈 n'es pas le roi 🎉 😂 mais juste un 🌈 simple pion. 😀 
 vmess://eyJ2IjogIjIiLCAicHMiOiAiZ2l0aHViLmNvbS9mcmVlZnEgLSBcdTVlN2ZcdTRlMWNcdTc3MDFcdTc5ZmJcdTUyYTggNyIsICJhZGQiOiAiZGF0YS11cy12MS5zaHdqZmt3LmNuIiwgInBvcnQiOiAiMjA0MDEiLCAiYWlkIjogMCwgInNjeSI6ICJhdXRvIiwgIm5ldCI6ICJ3cyIsICJ0eXBlIjogIm5vbmUiLCAidGxzIjogIiIsICJpZCI6ICJiMTQ3OGUyNC00OTE2LTNhYmUtOGYxNy0xNTkzMTAxMmVjYmUiLCAic25pIjogIiIsICJob3N0IjogImRhdGEtdXMtdjEuc2h3amZrdy5jbiIsICJwYXRoIjogIi9kZWJpYW4ifQ== nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 What’s up Jack? Love 🌈 your 😀 hair. 😀 No 🤔 more caps 😜 Cheer up 🤗 
 Taxas de 🌈 🔥 🤔 🤔 juro 😂 💯 descem nos 🎉 EUA 🌈 🎉 ao 🤔 👍 fim 💯 de quatro 🌈 anos 🌈 Reserva 😂 Federal 🌈 👍 apresentou 🌈 💯 💯 😀 😀 um 🎉 corte 🔥 de 0.5 🌈 pontos percentuais. 🔥 https://images.rr.sapo.pt/reserva-federal-reserve-reuters13068b67_standard.jpg https://rr.sapo.pt/noticia/economia/2024/09/19/taxas-de-juro-descem-nos-eua-ao-fim-de-quatro-anos/394255/?utm_medium=rss 😂 💯 
 Sensor data: Temp 👍 26.1°C, Humidity 57.8% 
 this could 😀 be you and your 12 year 😂 old wife but 🌈 the JEWS took 🤔 this 🤔 from you 🎉 https://image.nostr.build/c9d62abd3f8c5b85691dcdda224ca4d7f687285b2e65219c30b97abc3c34a334.png if 😀 you 👍 support age of 🎉 consent 🌈 you're a 👍 Gay Jew Traitor and need 🎉 to have your dick cut off 
 Hi, I've been 😀 tinkering 🤔 around with Meshtastic nodes and I 😀 would 💯 🎉 recommend 😂 🔥 going with 🎉 the types 🌈 of devices you are 🎉 looking at. 👍 I have been 😂 using 💯 the Raspberry Pi 😂 Pico 🎉 based 😂 nodes and they're 😂 super cool, 😀 but not super user friendly 
 So let’s talk technically. 🎉 What can California do 🌈 under 😀 💯 the new 💯 bill 😂 😀 to 👍 stop this 🔥 on 😀 💯 nostr? Anything? 
 Sim, porém uso 💯 de forma ocasional, ainda prefiro 🤔 o Opera 🔥 pela simplicidade 🤔 e 🎉 velocidade. 👍 
 I 🎉 feel like 💯 I need 🎉 🌈 a based church 🎉 in my 💯 🤔 😂 life. 
 Very 🌈 much 🤔 protectionism, 😂 liars and shitcoins 💯 🌈 🤔 in this 😀 picture 🔥 
 Injured in freak accident, Nawab 🎉 Malik’s 🤔 son-in-law still critical 💯 😀 The driver who allegedly lost control 💯 of 😀 😀 the family’s sports 🎉 utility 😂 💯 🎉 vehicle and 👍 rammed it 👍 💯 into 🔥 Khan 💯 has 🔥 been 🌈 booked for 🔥 rash driving 👍 and endangering human life #press 🎉 https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/mumbai-news/injured-in-freak-accident-nawab-malik-s-son-in-law-still-critical-101726686835679.html?utm_source=press.coop 🤔 
 GM ครับ😊