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 Politicians don’t get Bitcoin, they just think it could now be another way for them to make fiat. 
 I think you’re referring to most “bitcoiners” in “the space”

Politicians want power more than fiat imo. From that angle they’re prone to get bitcoin much better than typical fiat economically driven people. 
 Politicians en masse don't care about power; with a few exceptions, they're actors who care primarily about celebrity.  

I will say though...I do think a lot of "low time preference" bitcoiners will be in for a shock when they realize just how unbelievably patient the actual generational power brokers of our era really are. 
 Yes narcissism is especially strong in this subset of society but it’s just enriching my original argument. Fiat is not the primary motive for most of the.  

Your last point resonates strongly with me. Anyone thinking “low time preference” means anything less than beyond your own lifetime will have a hard time 
 In the distant possibility that a politician does in fact understand Bitcoin, they don’t want what it proposes. 
 Agreed. They couldn’t possibly want that