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 “The last time I spoke to @jack, well over a year ago, he told me that nostr was closer to the vision of my paper than Bluesky. Having spent a fair bit of time on both, I don’t think that’s true, though I do think nostr is pretty cool as well, and could create something cool, if it wasn’t completely overrun by people who only want to talk about B1tc01n.”
 Emang bluesky bukan urusan bitcoin ya? Lebih ketweeter? 
 gimana kak? 
 Maksudnya bluesky n Twitter involves both by Jack, cuman kebanyakan komunitas yang ada dinostr ngomongin bitcoin, yang aku liat dan kenapa aku mau join diawal, ga masuk ke bluesky. Gitu kak. Aku install mastodon tapi jarang buka Karena pengalamannya sama kayak twitter menurutku ya 
 dia di twitter walopun punya akun centang biru ga punya posisi apa2 lagi sejak diambil alih elon. di bsky cuma sbg investor saja & sdh tutup akun disana karena dia ga setuju dgn keputusan2 yg diambil bsky.  
 Yakan dan dibayar juga kak😀dan lgsg bilioner dia. Btw, kakak bikin juga donk yg indopride, btw dulu kupikir kwikku bakalan beda, aku pikir ini dari dulu tapi ga bisa ungkapkan 
 Bluesky is full of leftist retards who left Twitter because of Elon. https://image.nostr.build/be3db0dff67c0b6ef22ceb7341613afffc5d7d605006f963d100fcaa34da6e14.gif  
 Leftist retard is redundant 
 Bluesky is full of circlejerk pronoun people with diagnoses in bio who talk about nothing else than how much they hate Elon Musk.

Yes, there's a lot of repetitive bitcoiners here on Nostr, but theres NOBODY that police my language and NOBODY that gives me the old Twitter diatribe about how I'm an evil, Bad Person because of my views.

Fuck Bluesky and all of the Stasi-wannabes it's populated with. 
 Diagnoses in bio 🤣 
 Well said. 
 Pronouns & diagnoses in bio lmao 
 How to argue having loose lips? Did the fucking ship sink?

‘He’s not broken’: a year later, Evan Gershkovich is still in Russian prison https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/29/evan-gershkovich-russia-prison-wsj-reporter 
 I saw someone with HIV+ in their display name 😂 
 "AIDS in bio" 
 Imagine believing in HIV in 2024 
 Stockholm had blivit kallt.

De har osten på trummor 
 > Bluesky is full of circlejerk pronoun people with diagnoses in bio

 "I've never used nostr but it's definitely full of nazis" lol

 Can't wait till they find out about Letr lolol 
 Never gave Bluesky a try and now I know I’m not missing out 😂 
 Twitter, classic products, always classic products.
So far, no one has surpassed Twitter. 
Twitter's product architecture design concept is good. 
Never anyone will surpass this product. 
 Concept is not good. It's designed to amplify human flocking psychology and create engagement by letting sociopathic individuals run rampant. It's bad for human psychology on every level. 
 I don't agree with you. But respect your point of view. 
Twitter is indeed a good product, and Twitter's user base is excellent. Twitter's user base is the best. 
All the best people in the world share information on Twitter. 
This is the most important thing... Chinese people risk going to prison and use Twitter. 
 In China, people are arrested every week by the evil CCP police for using Twitter to share information on Twitter. 
But They also insist on using Twitter. 
Why is that? Because of Twitter, Chinese people can get real information. 
China is a hell country and an information blockade country. 
Chinese people must use Twitter to breathe fresh air. 
 Twitter's biggest contribution is to change the way the global media reports news and make the news more real. 
Without Twitter, the mainstream media in countries around the world would monopolize the "right to speak" of news and information, which would create "lies". 
 Here to start new circlejerk culture! 🙋🏼‍♂️ 
 At least we jerk in a good way. 
 Explain more please. Do you have a visual 
 What idiot started it?!! 
 Bluesky can pick the sweetcorn out of my shite.  
 Dan's a man 😆 
 #nostr needs a F you day 😆 
 that can be arranged. 😆 
 What's Bluesky? 
 Shut the fuck up,  we had this discussion thousand times, block or host your own relais and stop crying about People educating on one of humanities biggest discoveries ever. 
 Bluesky is total garbage specifically due to the fact it weaponizes blocking. Perfect echo chamber conditions for irrelevant leftists.  
 Nostr, where leftist bad takes are immortilised for all of humanity 🤙 
 what is bluesky's objective or stated mission of how itll improve over existing socialcmedia models?  
 I was also curious about that. 

The CEO of Bsky answers those questions in this interview:


 It's just a digital version of the EU, a council of councils of "experts"  
 This does look interesting the way they did this PDS stuff 
 Hey there bac0t.my.id,
(1) About You. Before this reply I browsed your feed and constantly asked myself, "Why is he/she on Nostr? Why all the food videos and pics? What do all these posts bring to others?" 

(2) About Bluesky. After all the abuse by FB, LinkdIn and Twitr, I'm flabbergasted that people would still want to sign up for social networks that require e-mail addresses. Apparently, some people just like abuse.

(3) Nostr users constantly talk about Bitcoin because they understand how fiat money destroys everything, including your future. Instead of only complaining, they work hard on solutions. If you don't get this, you should really ask yourself, "Why am I on Nostr?"
 > Why am I on Nostr?

For freedom of speech, which is a fundamental human right.

There are many problems which "[destroy] everything" and many cults which focus on one and think everything else depends on it. You have conservatives thinking it's SJW bullshit, climate activists thinking it's climate change, socialists thinking it's capitalism, anarchists thinking it's authoritarianism, conspiracy theorists thinking it's those conspiring, social justice activists thinking it's discrimination and bitcoiners thinking it's fiat.

The world is a big and complex place and no one topic, let alone money, let alone a specific currency, is worth being so obsessed by. A bunch of bitcoiners spending their leisure time telling other bitcoiners how much fiat sucks does nothing to solve any issue whatsoever. It's very cult-like. 
 Hey Valentino Giudice,
Let's analyse your response.

(1) I agree, Freedom Of Speech (FOS) is fundamental, you were born with that right. But it brings insane potential abuse by the speaker who can buy newspapers and radio-TV stations and talk people into a terrible war, where John, Dave and Steve literally go to another country and kill Marie, Bruce and Luca. FOS also convinces people to inject themselves and their children with aluminum and formaldehyde causing autism and endless disease. FOS also convinces people to eat food with E621, E385 and E251 ensuring an early grave after endless hospital visits. So you see, FOS places enourmous responsibility on speaker AND listener.

(2) So why does a small group abuse FOS? Money. It's that simple. And specifically FIAT money. Because if I control speech and thought via my newspapers, I can generate war, get many people killed, impoverish the survivors, while the central bank HAS TO print more money to buy weapons from my 'defence' companies. So I get richer while the world literally burns. You wouldn't do this, I wouldn't, but there are people out there who do.

(3) So naturally, since 2009 (actually since the 60s, 70s), you have a bunch of Bitcoiners spending time to discuss how to stop that madness before we are all killed off by poison, EMFs, AI and robots, leaving the 30K-100K so called elite, but actually parasites, to enjoy beautiful mother earth. Those Bitcoin discussions solve many issues, by1st making people aware of their fiat brainwash that will eventually make them sick and get them killed. No need to sugarcoat this, depopulation is a huge theme with the parasites. Also, Bitcoiners create code and run nodes and miners, design hardware, and people are slowly moving away from fiat, bringing the day closer where the spear can pierce that fiat heart and kill that system off for good.

Tip: Watch Jeff Booth videos for more understanding. 
 Inteeesting point about overemphasis on one problem area. It is a weakness. 

I think this would be a good reason to go back to the idea of communities in Nostr land. It makes me think Like stack exchange. For them creating communities, it’s defined through a unique combinations of tags. That specific combo defines a community. The unique thing is how to share that definition on a non centralized platform., or how to rename that definition by consensus over time? 

Anyway if these communities existed you could discover them. And if a tag is in more than one community you may discover other communities that one one shared tag with another interest area of yours?  If there was a way to look up which communities have been defined including that tag? 

Just some random thoughts.  
 > I think this would be a good reason to go back to the idea of communities in Nostr land.

We don't need to go back to that idea. Communities are still a thing on Nostr.
Nostr could be what Reddit should have been.

Communities have moderators, however.
Tags are similar, but they don't have moderators.
Both have their place, each has its advantages. 
 Maybe some kind of moderator would be a service on a paid relay. And you could find different content moderated out in different paid relays looking at otherwise the same content?  

Small amount of sats from paid relay could go to moderators based on activity and satisfaction rating of community? 

This keeps mods engaged but not wanting to moderate stuff for sats - as that drops the satisfaction rating of the community?  
 Personally I have no intention of using paid features on Nostr myself, but moderation at the level of individual communities is different than moderation at the relay level.
Communities on Nostr are like subreddits. There is value in having the ability to create forums which aren't censored by platform owners (but can be moderated by the owners of that forum).
They can have any set of rules to follow, be about any topic and require any kind of format or post. 
 Yeah honestly I also hesitate.  Interesting how would you define moderators? Would this be a new part of the spec? 
 Communities are defined in NIP-72. They are moderated, Reddit like. 
 I tried to sign into one of these community things yesterday and it didn’t work with either my Nostur pub or my Nostur account at a registered location. How is it supposed to work? It said I had some node missing or something. 
 ser, i did NOT write that article. that was a quote, i post whatever i wanna post lol 
 Bluesky is overly complex tech. Nostr is elegant. 
 Was 5 minutes on #nostr I know how to fix it type’a guy 
 looks like he ( @mmasnick ) was on nostr for 7 months: 
First active: 12/17/2022, 08:10:03 AM
Last active: 07/07/2023, 11:55:21 AM 
 "Excuse my bias that bluesky uses the protocol i invented"

Incentives,  Incentives all the way down.  
 Hello, I'd love to talk to you about B1tc01n. 
 Whatever that is. 
 Blue Sky can never be successful because it's a centralized Silicon Valley product. If people want that - they'll just pick Threads, Mastodon or some fringe alternative to Twitter / X. Or just use X... makes more sense than reinventing the wheel with less powerful group of Silicon Valley insiders.

But I get that bunch of you in US tech world are buddies and have to support each other. Good luck with it. 
 they have way more users than us (for now), i guess theyre more succesfull than we are. theyre probably thinking the same thing about nostr: “but i get a bunch of you in b1tc01n world are buddies and have to support each other. good luck with it”  
 agree. remember what saylor say.. no second best.. LOL 
 Bitcoin derangement is a painful life choice. 
 🤣 Stasi Wannabe’s 