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 Inteeesting point about overemphasis on one problem area. It is a weakness. 

I think this would be a good reason to go back to the idea of communities in Nostr land. It makes me think Like stack exchange. For them creating communities, it’s defined through a unique combinations of tags. That specific combo defines a community. The unique thing is how to share that definition on a non centralized platform., or how to rename that definition by consensus over time? 

Anyway if these communities existed you could discover them. And if a tag is in more than one community you may discover other communities that one one shared tag with another interest area of yours?  If there was a way to look up which communities have been defined including that tag? 

Just some random thoughts.  
 > I think this would be a good reason to go back to the idea of communities in Nostr land.

We don't need to go back to that idea. Communities are still a thing on Nostr.
Nostr could be what Reddit should have been.

Communities have moderators, however.
Tags are similar, but they don't have moderators.
Both have their place, each has its advantages. 
 Maybe some kind of moderator would be a service on a paid relay. And you could find different content moderated out in different paid relays looking at otherwise the same content?  

Small amount of sats from paid relay could go to moderators based on activity and satisfaction rating of community? 

This keeps mods engaged but not wanting to moderate stuff for sats - as that drops the satisfaction rating of the community?  
 Personally I have no intention of using paid features on Nostr myself, but moderation at the level of individual communities is different than moderation at the relay level.
Communities on Nostr are like subreddits. There is value in having the ability to create forums which aren't censored by platform owners (but can be moderated by the owners of that forum).
They can have any set of rules to follow, be about any topic and require any kind of format or post. 
 Yeah honestly I also hesitate.  Interesting how would you define moderators? Would this be a new part of the spec? 
 Communities are defined in NIP-72. They are moderated, Reddit like. 
 I tried to sign into one of these community things yesterday and it didn’t work with either my Nostur pub or my Nostur account at a registered location. How is it supposed to work? It said I had some node missing or something.