I saw a ridiculous amount of spam under a a Vitor post. I think it's targeting the big dogs, the heavyweights, the... Elites if you will lol
offer a bounty for the verifiable identity and location of the ReplyGuy.
assassination market fixes this
vmess://eyJ2IjoiMiIsImFkZCI6IjE4OC4xMTQuOTkuMTM0IiwicG9ydCI6IjQ0MyIsImlkIjoiZWRiYjEwNTktMTYzMy00MjcxLWI2NmUtZWQ0ZmJhNDdhMWJmIiwiYWlkIjowLCJzY3kiOiJhdXRvIiwibmV0Ijoid3MiLCJob3N0IjoibGluZGUwNi5pbmRpYXZpZGVvLnNicyIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2xpbmt3cyIsInRscyI6InRscyIsInNuaSI6ImxpbmRlMDYuaW5kaWF2aWRlby5zYnMiLCJwcyI6Ilx1ZDgzZFx1ZGVhOUNGIHwgXHVkODNkXHVkZmUyIHwgdm1lc3MgfCBARGVhbU5ldF9Qcm94eSB8IDcifQ== 💯
sounds like 🤔 you 🤔 need to get Wired (.app)
vmess://eyJ2IjoiMiIsImFkZCI6IjE4OC4xMTQuOTkuMTM0IiwicG9ydCI6IjQ0MyIsImlkIjoiZWRiYjEwNTktMTYzMy00MjcxLWI2NmUtZWQ0ZmJhNDdhMWJmIiwiYWlkIjowLCJzY3kiOiJhdXRvIiwibmV0Ijoid3MiLCJob3N0IjoibGluZGUwNi5pbmRpYXZpZGVvLnNicyIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2xpbmt3cyIsInRscyI6InRscyIsInNuaSI6ImxpbmRlMDYuaW5kaWF2aWRlby5zYnMiLCJwcyI6Ilx1ZDgzZFx1ZGVhOUNGIHwgXHVkODNkXHVkZmUyIHwgdm1lc3MgfCBARGVhbU5ldF9Qcm94eSB8IDcifQ== 😀 🔥
It wasn't ReplyGuy, no idea if it is the same person behind the Other Spam lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Offer a bounty.
Bring it to their doorstep.
The amount of spam replies on this are insane. (Also some ns!fw).
But yeah my point was it may be totally unconnected to ReplyGuy. Not that we shouldn't all turn up to his house and demand a cup of tea:)
tea huh?
yer sus.
If we all asked for a cup of tea, it would take him bloody ages to make it all. Would really annoy him I reckon.