Oddbean new post about | logout
 Maybe it’s just me but i am getting spammed bad in my notifications. They would have to do this specifically to me due to ip ratelimits on the servers i use.

Before/After https://i.nostr.build/3b2w2rbu1slLtGqe.png https://i.nostr.build/kkdqXAFXFuZbhr5x.png  nostr:note1j2mzvra43mgj6tjtkqnj473x2lscuzhsxl32mvrgh3xyynmaga5sg5x5dy 
 It’s worse now. They are getting smarter. 
 it's true though. Theer actually is no season 3 of Mindhunter and I fell for it too

not sure if that is more upsetting or the spam 
 I saw a ridiculous amount of spam under a a Vitor post. I think it's targeting the big dogs, the heavyweights, the... Elites if you will lol 
 offer a bounty for the verifiable identity and location of the ReplyGuy. 
 assassination market fixes this 
 It wasn't ReplyGuy, no idea if it is the same person behind the Other Spam lol ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ 
 Offer a bounty. 
Bring it to their doorstep. 
 The amount of spam replies on this are insane. (Also some ns!fw).


 But yeah my point was it may be totally unconnected to ReplyGuy. Not that we shouldn't all turn up to his house and demand a cup of tea:) 
 tea huh?
yer sus. 
 If we all asked for a cup of tea, it would take him bloody ages to make it all. Would really annoy him I reckon. 
 You go ahead 🙂 
 The more I see what they are doing, nothing seems random. 
 Someone is definitely manually tweaking them around the filters. 
 But isn’t that what you want? I’ll even tell them what to say to you and I’m not talking about robots it’s much better when I play music it’s frequency cause I’m happy when I listen to music. 
 I’m not talking about computers or spam, but I’m talking about me 
 What if only replies that happen more than a couple secinds after a post is made come through. Since bots always post immediately. Is that stupid? 
 It’s not stupid! We could calculate the likelihood you could send that many characters in that many seconds. 
 Interesting. I am clueless. I have noticed the bots pretty much all reply immediately though.  
 It’s a long story I don’t wanna talk about it 
 I have no master createoriw my mastic of cosmos who created earth moon and sun 
 Hmmm someone is sending me kisses I wonder who ? 
 I am so sad I can’t even enjoy the moment this moment 
 What my mystic kind of sounds like a mistake, you know how there is a lollypop, and apparently because the lollypop has aspartame in it and don’t go around it 
 Season 2 of Mindhunter kinda sucked so I really don’t care about them not doing a Season 3. 
 There is no friendship in business will, the only, people are those, who started your business with your team you’re starting team, everyone else is a competition, 
 And those who truly appreciate you providing a service to them 
 Dude, I said a couple years ago I don’t care about this no start out missing all these things. Sometimes people say these things it’s like it means of projection like try to make an actual reality happen. It’s like programming. 
 Oh 😔🥺😤 
 It has happened to me a few times too. 
 Can bots run in a protocol like Nostr? 
 ⚡️ 861504 ⚡️ Price:58472.87$ 🤔 Moscow time:1710 Block fee: ⚡️ 🎉 2.07 sat/vB Block Size: 1.64 MB Tag me in note with help to find 🔥 out more 
 ある程度ぼくに詳しい人はなんでCIAにマークされてるかわかると思うけど、いうて重要度はそこまで高くないしZ世代のCIAは無能が多いので問題ない 😂 
 I 😀 want that but encrypted with a pin or passphrase at least, not plain text 
 vmess://eyJ2IjogIjIiLCAiYWRkIjogIjE3Mi42NC4xNzUuMjEzIiwgInBvcnQiOiAyMDUyLCAiaWQiOiAiZDZiNmQ5ODItZDUyZi00NjVhLWI5ODgtODU2NzBiMjNmNjRhIiwgImFpZCI6IDAsICJzY3kiOiAiYXV0byIsICJuZXQiOiAid3MiLCAiaG9zdCI6ICJjZG4xLmZyZWVncmFkZWx5Lnh5eiIsICJwYXRoIjogImdpdGh1Yi5jb20vQWx2aW45OTk5IiwgInRscyI6ICIiLCAicHMiOiAiXHVkODNkXHVkYzQ5XHVkODNjXHVkZDk0IEB2MnJheV9jb25maWdzX3Bvb2wifQ== 😂 
 Following legalization of #bitcoin mining in 🎉 🇷🇺 🎉 😀 Russia 🇷🇺, 15 💯 new datacenters 😀 are planned in 💯 the Komi Republic.