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 The state of Israel was founded by the Rothschild family. Hitler was funded and empowered by western countries, The United States had many corporate partnerships with the NAZI party, As well as the USSR, But especially the British wanted Hitler to stop the Bolshevik revolution from spreading west. The Jews were the poor people stuck in the middle, Taking the blame because the Rothschild banking dynasty was the most powerful in the world at the time. The Soviet Forces defeated Hitler, Not the Jews. The Soviet army Liberated Auschwitz, Destroyed Berlin, And killed Hitler. Jews were killed en mass both in Soviet Gulags, And German concentration camps, But were systematically and divisibly blamed for poverty in Germany and killed specifically to establish an anti-Semitic sentiment in the German people. The real cause for Hitlers defeat was Pervatin or speed. Hitler was too high to think straight, Let alone fight a war on all sides. Had Hitler kept his cool against the Soviet Army the Allies would have fought alongside the Germans. Hitler got trigger happy. After the establishment of the state of Israel, The Nuremberg trials, And the execution of the most notorious NAZI criminals, The state of Israel became entwined in European politics. The BIS (Bank of International Settlements) was funded by the NAZI gold looted from Europe. Paul Volker made this allocation to curb inflation and to restructure the Eurozone. The State of Israel is the longest arm of the Rothschild banking dynasty. No other family has done as much for their people as the Rothschilds have. Mossad, The CIA, And MI6 all work together on European security, And the Royal Families have positive relationships with the Rothschild family. Western European economics were and are based on the financial networks created by the Rothschild family. The United States provides military protection for Europe in the form of NATO and all western countries recognize firsthand the brutality of Russia. If you have never been to Europe (as it seems you have not) Europeans don’t want to suffer another continent wide conflict. There will absolutely be an establishment of the state of Israel, I would say this current conflict will hasten the annexation of the Gaza Strip. If you are not pro Israel you are ignorant to European geopolitics.