and ngit have benefited greatly from the work you have done: analysis, testing, PM, etc. I am personally very grateful. sourcing funding for this in nostr may be challenging. Many @OpenSats grants are like mine: for 1 dev full-time. Most projects don't have access to a pot of money for this. It would be really nice to have a call-off pot for this and other things such as, the great work @nielliesmons has done on logo design. I wonder though if the Open Source dynamic changes, and an expectation is created, when smaller individual contributions are directly rewarded with money.
@Laeserin It would be a shame for the community if you end up working a fiat TA/BA/QA role. In nostr you have: 1. identified need 2. motivation, 3. ability, 4. proof-of-work, 5. opportunity (don't currently have a job). you are just missing 6. resources. Given the funding in the space, it would be disappointing if you were unable access some of that because your work is somewhat of a niche in nostr. If you need references or anything please let me know. Perhaps you could get a number of projects you have contributed to to include references as part of a grant proposal?
I actually quit my fiatjob, to get @GitCitadel off the ground, but it hums along nicely, now, and my household is starting to eat the seed corn, so I have to do something else for income. There are actually a lot of remote requirements management, support, testing, etc. fiat positions open, but they all sound sort of boring. 😂 Was thinking about going back to logistics, instead. But then I'm really gone because then I'd be spending all day inspecting dangerous goods tanks at the port, or something.
We both tend to work for lots of different projects, doing specialized tasks. There are a couple of people on here, like that. It doesn't really make sense for us to do it only for one project, as the quality of our work depends upon transfer of knowledge. Some of us are also developers, but our primary contribution isn't product coding. I will happily keep posting issues for clients I actively use or that our project has a stake in, but it's nothing as advanced or useful as what they'd get for paying me, and I only do it when I'm in the mood. And it would probably mostly stop, once I get a day job.
Who is we?
This funding problem is exactly why the nostr:nprofile1qqsggm4l0xs23qfjwnkfwf6fqcs66s3lz637gaxhl4nwd2vtle8rnfqprdmhxue69uhhg6r9vehhyetnwshxummnw3erztnrdakj7qfqwaehxw309ahx7um5wghx26tww4hxg7nhv9h856t89eehqctrv5hsz8rhwden5te0w35x2cmfw3skgetv9ehx7um5wgcjucm0d5hsjmvd7t team is pursuing alternative funding sources beyond grants. nostr:nevent1qqs0nmdvzgas9vhx3lrl45d4px0hrezggalretsxh75akr09d83n7ngppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qgs2qzx779ted7af5rt04vzw3l2hpzfgtk0a2pw6t2plaz4d2734vngrqsqqqqqpsrpysh
Yes, overreliance on grants (and especially grants determined by one committee) is hurting the internal marketplace and causing unecessary strife, as we easily predicted months ago (this is just beginners' Austrian economics). Nostr needs at least _additional_ funding models, including some that might not turn a profit for years.
We have said, from the beginning, that we are interested in establishing the concept of "paying for work" directly, both by demonstratively paying our own suppliers, working for bounties, finding external funding sources by marketing our products, and by requesting payment for our own services through zaps, subscriptions, fees, sales, or etc. It is a cultural change, we wish to promote.
I have a half-baked idea for an alternate funding model…. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The revenue split from the output of the bounty is a nice idea. Are you familiar with from @gsovereignty?
Bounties don't even work for mechanical turk level stuff let alone complex requirements IMO, creates a malincentive
And quality requirements are nonfunctional requirements, so that's a level of abstraction higher.
Did you read it? Skim it? It’s a sats-first, trust-based model. Runs 100% on reputation and incentives
I did read it. I like the model. I was just agreeing with the point that good bounties are quite difficult to write. I bet clearly formulated ones would be very popular, tho. I have a lot of experience in requirements engineering for companies, so I trust myself to write good requirements. I mean, people could pay me to write up the bounty requirements with your parallel system. 😂
Yes, I like the idea, but we have no excess equity to share.
Lol I’m not asking for sats right now hahahaha Just throwing out a half baked idea to see if it uas legs 🙃