Step 1: Banks hold btc for customers.
Step 2: Banks cant fractioneel reserve, or they roll over when they do(bankrun).
Step 3: Banks service rates increase.
Step 4: Bank customers have an incentive to study cheaper options.
Step 5: race to the bottom. Banks restrain themselve or go out of business.
Game theorie plays out. Saylor is planning chess.
SBF is being set as example of the consequences, with his conviction just.
Saylor is setting a trap. Think about it.
Sorry but that's complete hopium nonsense.
What's stopping banks fractional reserving it? You think the regulator is going to force them to do proof of reserves 🤣
FTX 2.0. Nothing will stop them repeating ftx. People learn from pain. Eventually it will play out.
Regulators i keep out of scope. Bitcoin doesnt need them.