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 That lecturing helped me a lot but now I consider him a #GigaChode instead of a GigaChad.  
 It is what it is. For me it was a combo of Loukas charts and Andreas lectures that made it click. 
 It's important to separate out the truths he illustrated from bad/evil takes.  
 What do you mean? 
 I think his takes on self custody are ridiculous at best and evil at worst.

It doesn't mean he has never made a good point. For example, I think he's right that every company should keep sats in their treasury and I wish the one I work for did the same ...

Also think forever Laura and there is no second best are true 
 That part I got. You could have arrived at these point yourself. All propaganda contains “truths”. It’s called telling “half-truths”. The question is, what does that mean to you in terms of Saylor? 
 Naive at best
Spook at worst 
 As a former spook, he definitely fits the mold.  
 Bitcoin is for enemies as is said. The incentives are too good not to get involved. Just don’t put down real Bitcoiners, not a good look. 
 How do arrive at naive? MIT (CIA?), DuPont, Billionaire, CEO, using other people’s money to buy #Bitcoin, Banks and Government is your friend, one of three US institutions printing money and holding Bitcoin, calling Bitcoin property (only) but USD is MoE… 
 Naive because he doesn't understand economic implications of an ideological driven scarce asset. He thinks he can play fuck fuck games and not lose. He will learn through pain.  
 Of course, he has said many truths. These truths existed. Bitcoin is a culmination of decades worth of thought and execution. He is a bright guy with his own plan, just as we all formulate our own plans. Now he’s accumulated vast amounts and is pushing his ‘Saylor model’ in corporate world it doesn’t mean we should all forget about the self sovereignty. Nostriches,  I would guess are not keen on that. His put down of true Bitcoiners is unnecessary. It was those Bitcoiners who secured the network through many years of uncertainty to get it to where these Knob’eads can rinse it 
 Agree, not saying we should like him. You're 100% just separate person/hero from ideas