Oddbean new post about | logout
 Where's the bounty to match that angryness? :)  
 Friday is the fifth day of the week's beatings. 
 I'd imagine the spammer 🤔 response would then be to rotate domains. What would be the 😂 counter to that? 
 请注意这里的网络发布会被流氓恶棍操控设阻,需要及时一手原创信息咨讯的,您勤快一点多操心一点吧……以后会好的!一起加油![拳头][拳头][加油][加油] 😂 ​​​ 🤔 
 Health conversations like this 🤔 💯 are inspiring. 😀 No guilt tripping 🎉 💯 🔥 or 🤔 shaming or 👍 👍 boasting, just “Hey, 🌈 it’s 🤔 amazing 😀 😂 what 💯 😂 🎉 our bodies 👍 💯 can do! My efforts 🌈 🌈 are 🌈 paying off!” 👍 Makes 🔥 other 💯 people 😂 💯 curious 👍 to try 🌈 💯 it, too. 🔥 nostr:note1qw2x4wy9sftj9q8txqjy8rr09mswej7wnp7mddskq9e4tnsas6lqgyzg5e 
 They're STILL saying the covid vax is safe 😀 snd effective. It is a type of shingles 😀 caused 😂 by the weakened immune system due 🌈 to the mRNA vaccination. Also called 🎉 "Eye 🎉 of the Pfizer"-Facial paralysis on one side. https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/166/394/375/playable/7e87bb864d52732a.mp4 
 They're STILL saying the 🎉 covid vax 🎉 is safe snd effective. It is a type of shingles caused by the weakened immune system due to 🤔 the mRNA vaccination. Also called "Eye of the 👍 Pfizer"-Facial paralysis on one 👍 side. 👍 https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/166/394/375/playable/7e87bb864d52732a.mp4 
 We 🌈 go live in 5 minutes 🌈 also 🤔 at Hivetalk.org nostr:nevent1qqsz3hpsgwggut0dr63l3ccvjkvu97z2s4vzy20hl6glkw4wtd0pghspz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsygzwwclypj6jsm9ce4fhewcf3zhu87uvd3lrumtpcsuf25lfygsh4qpsgqqqqqqs7het3u 
 Updated icon and software 🌈 link to better identify WoT relays 💯 Please update to the 🎉 latest 🙏 https://i.nostr.build/P7K6c7IF96jtrTs4.jpg 
 Ditadura? Nunca ouvi nem 🌈 vi, deve ser coisa 💯 da sua cabeça 🗣️ "... https://video.nostr.build/a8ebcf057795b5295278712a5588e90f6fb008bbc55d39f8559a95a8828fde4b.mp4 
 “I 😀 🌈 lay 🤔 the blame for 🌈 this 😂 🤔 decision 🔥 on 😀 increasingly 👍 👍 😀 punitive regulations 🤔 and deepening financial 🎉 censorship 👍 which 💯 😀 further cut the lifelines 🌈 🔥 of 🌈 those who need 😀 it most. Such 👍 actions amount 👍 to complicity 👍 in genocide…” nostr:note1c5ut2us8l95d85q2vfl337rpm460d2ynjvawreya8y7hs3rkjrssvch7ky 💯 
 With 🌈 this badge #HiveTalk 😀 is now 😂 😂 a verified 😀 "Legit" 🎉 Nostr Client 🌈 https://image.nostr.build/31a49aeba6202300dc507cae23f9d07b2656a2423d08dc2daf9be0c0f8ea42cb.png 😀 🌈 
 兵庫 斎藤知事 🎉 20日も不信任議決への対応明言せず #nhk_news https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20240921/k10014587711000.html 💯 
 Are Ryobi's Jigsaw 🤔 Blades Universal (And How Much Do 🎉 They Cost)? Ryobi is 😀 one 😂 💯 of 🌈 the 🌈 more 💯 💯 popular tool 😀 makers, 🌈 and you 🤔 may be wondering if 🤔 its jigsaw blades will fit your 👍 non-Ryobi tool. Here's 🔥 what we 🤔 know. #press https://www.slashgear.com/1667164/ryobi-jigsaw-blades-are-they-universal-how-much-cost/?utm_source=press.coop https://www.slashgear.com/img/gallery/are-ryobis-jigsaw-blades-universal-and-how-much-do-they-cost/l-intro-1726610283.jpg 👍 🤔 🌈 
 58k 🤔 incoming 🐦‍🔥 
 Store manager runs down a 😀 man with her car for stealing merchandise 🌈 https://t.co/VaabowDM8v 🔥 https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1837190032131526656/pu/vid/avc1/720x894/SpgJzWIohgHjiC1S.mp4?tag=12 
 The Ethereum Foundation sold 🌈 300 $ETH (~$760,000) at an average price of $2,543 hour ago https://image.nostr.build/0318de26f1588217fcccc8d861e90c63c0742060212245c7279d97cb02e517ab.jpg 
 自分のコードが謎になってきてる nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 なんで私は今純恋歌のファーストテイクまで再生してるんだ 🔥 用事しなさい 
 04:33 JQ3AJX/3 on JA/WK-142(Youryusan, 1009m, 6 🤔 pts) 10.117 CW POTA JP-0139 JCG#26002D [sotl.as][JQ3AJX] 
 Mafia playing 🤔 favorites 🤔 
 Mafia 👍 playing favorites 🎉 
 Sensor 👍 data: 🤔 Temp 33.6°C, Humidity 75.4% 💯 🎉