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 But then if not poetry, what is the language of love? 🫂 
 Puns, teasing, and sharing food?  
 These I agree are definitely love languages, I can’t argue with you. That being said, I like to hear how a guy feels. Poetry is a great way to just write what you feel. 

I guess everyone is different, and we each have our own preferences of showing and receiving love. Some people hate poetry, and though I don’t understand it, it’s fair 🫂

I agree that actions are love languages too 💯% not gonna dispute that, but I still adore poetry and the feeling it gives me. If action is the stable, secure, warm, safe, foundational language of love, maybe poetry is the diamond necklace. That little extra something that makes her feel beautiful and cherished. She can keep your words in her diary and reread them when she’s old and her memory isn’t great. A bit of you and your feelings to keep forever, incase she ever lost you. 

But this is my personal view on poetry and why I like it 🫂 you guys are right, it’s not the only love language 🙏🏽 but I do believe it is a language of love (for me, and those who want it) 
 yeah wrong n gay 😂 
 You're definitely confusing the idea of what true love ACTUALLY is with what society and centralized media have told you what it should be. Real life is not Hollywood. I don't know a single man (myself included) that will take the time out of his day to sit down and write a poem for the woman he is in love with. How he treats her, how they solve problems together, how they work together to achieve their life goals, and how tolerant they are of each other's imperfections is the "language of love." Trust me, I know. 
 My statement was a bit lengthy. Lol which part are you questioning? 
i'm one guy.
i've written poems.
 That's good. I suppose that you're more of a rarity, from my experience. 
but it's not something that's typically shared in circles... 
 You said it yourself… you don’t know one man who would 

take time out of his day

The things you mention are vital. They are the essential parts of the relationship. But one of the several reasons poetry is something some people appreciate is that it indicates someone took time out of their day to focus on you. 

To think about how you make them feel, and want to share that with you in a beautiful way. 
They wanted to make something beautiful in your honor. 

It’s a diamond necklace indeed. 
You can’t build a relationship out of diamond necklaces; not all poets make good spouses. But a good spouse who does things like that as well is not something to be trivialized, but treasured and emulated. 
 Beautifully said, lovely 💯💜🫂❤️‍🔥 
 I write poetry about love...
 Beautiful ❤️‍🔥 I love it 🫂🫂🫂 
 Hey, Sweetie,

Thank you for reading, and for expressing your appreciation.🙏🏻😃🫂💖

I haven't yet published the fictional story that goes with it, but you've encouraged me to finish polishing it and to "get it out there!"🚀😆

i love this~!
sonnets are also my favorite. ^.^ 
 Hello, Fren!

I'm glad to meet another lover of sonnets...🫂😃💜

It took the better part of a lifetime between memorizing the Bard's #29, and the day I penned my first sonnet; but I've now penned a few.🤔🧐😆👍 
 beautiful choice~!
for me, it's sonnet 12...

but friendship, acceptance, love—these connections are the true wealth of life and what gives it meaning. it's incredible the sense of placement and belonging the love of another can bring us.

i've written other types of poems, but i find comfort in the structure that the sonnet provides. they're usually my better work—at least when i go back and read them i don't cringe (as much).

writing is something i've done off and on for awhile. why do you think you waited so long to write?? 
V | 21 days ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +1
 the opposite of poetry is the language of love.

think about the strongest expression of love from your mom or a loved one.

it wasn’t even language. it was a look. an action. a feeling. 
V | 21 days ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +1
 im not going to compare you to a summer’s day.

im going to confront an army, overcome my insecurities, etc.- THAT is love. 
 I am lost in the Sea of sadness
 wondering how ever move past this.
How is life different than a maze? 
As I look at tomorrow through a crystal ball, I gaze.
I see myself chipper and happy.
Yet, currently I can’t feel anything just crappy.
You can never have everything you want.
But the same holds true that you get what you need.
So you gotta set out and simply search.
Free yourself like a morning bird, chirping on a perch .
Singing songs that free the soul.
Feeling like you’re rocking and ready to roll. 
I’m starting to understand my situation .
Knowing it’s not the worst relation. 
 Beautiful! Thank you for sharing it 🫂💜 
‘Singing songs that free the soul’ 
Love that