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 In America private bitcoin usage is legally protected by the first and fourth amendments of our constitution.

In practice private bitcoin usage will be protected globally by all of us taking and defending our freedom by building, supporting, and using open source tools.

No privacy? No freedom.
No freedom? No wealth. 
 🫡 LFG 
 We need more and more people using #bitcoin in self sovereign way. 
 Lol you still have fail in the law how cute. 
 I have 0 faith in this system improving, however as it self-destructs we still have to live within the frameworks of its failures. 

It’s about building your own life raft. 
 Spoken like a true slave enjoy the tyranny. 
 🤡 yeah thats me lol 
 What do you mean by “we” lol you alone have accepted your fate like many others 
 What are you basing this on? Me saying that what I got from his post is that foss = freedom = a life raft?

Do you think bitcoin will be fixing all the things this year? Next? 
 Bitcoin is an instrument nothing else, can a gun save you when you are drowning or when I are being robbed think woman 

Read your words below

“I have 0 faith in this system improving, however as it self-destructs we still have to live within the frameworks of its failures.” 
 I think you misread the post 
 Read it for me 
 If you insist…

_In practice_ private bitcoin usage will be protected globally by all of us taking and defending our freedom by building, supporting, and using open source tools.
 I couldn’t read that to let’s try this in Chinese 
 I don’t speak Chinese but good luck bro 
 I don’t speak it either luck is for the weak 
 You are relying on a non trust worthy entity to give you permission to use a trustless network lol 💭 think 
 It seems that part of the constitution about unreasonable search basically gets ignored in the digital world 
 I guess the founding fathers should have been time travels to see that one and ignore it 
 They were time travelers (via prayer?) and saw the country was going to be plagued by:

 - Non-citizen voters
 - Infringements of right to self defence
 - Central banking
 - A Non-US born president

Among many other foresights.
 Lol what’s a citizen ? U living an idea of another man, citizenship is the right of the victor’s I’m sure the natives have a whole different perspective and so did those before them 
 @ODELL IMO is saying as the law is written today, it has been decided legally at the highest court.

It’s up to us to defend the line. 

So get out of your bunker and get “positively” involved. 

Those who praise Cypherpunk are the same ones who should be carrying the torch that was lit over 3 decades ago. 

Freedom is a human right. 

Nostr, like Bitcoin, will be a litmus test for dystopian totalitarianism. 

Our message is spreading.

We don’t need faith in a system. We need to be a force in protecting what is already ours. 

#Plebchain 💪 
 The Bank Secrecy Act is unconstitutional and the third party doctrine it relies on is wildly outdated(1970s)

Bitcoiners should be more vocal about this, it’s an easy way to reach normal people without getting technical 
 เมื่อไม่มีความเป็รส่วนตัว ก็ไม่มีอิสรภาพ
เมื่อไม่มีอิสระภาพ ก็ไม่สามารถมีความมั่งคั่งหรือทรัพย์สินเป็นของตนเองได้

ลุกขึ้นสู้ หากคุณเชื่อว่าโลกที่ผู้คนไม่มีอะไรเป็นของตัวเอง ไม่มีตัวตน ไม่มีความคิด เป็นโลกที่คุณไม่อยากให้ลูกหลานของคุณต้องเผชิญ

 The American Constitution is only protected and validated in the Supreme Court of the U.S.
Thus, with the Corporatization of government - which our Founding Father’s couldn’t anticipate - there is no Constitution anymore. It’s gone.

I just posted a Nostr post about how Corporatization destroyed Democracy and the Rule of Law by creating ‘virtual compartmentalization’ of PoW, no consequences for actions, and a move toward a ‘vertical’ orientation of management that distances individuals from their actions, allowing the rise of a tiny group of Sociopaths/Psychopaths to assume power in America, and the world.

But we’re here. This is indeed the last fight, irl. We fight these Sociopaths, and we create a new world that will be nothing we can actually imagine now.

To fight these Sociopaths, we need better ‘stock’ than Swan Bitcoin, et al. 
 Agreed. We have to defend our constitutional rights if we want to keep them. Since they have been continuously eroded, it feels more like we are working to reclaim them. It’s important to remember that these rights are, more importantly, inalienable, despite what the various authorities attempt to do to limit them. 
 No wealth, no investment.
No investment, no innovation.  
 I disagree. This phrase is an overcomplication. And in modern terms is actually false through and through.
1. In simple terms wealth refers to any savings. So if you have a day's worth of food, it is wealth. But modern people understand it exclusively as substantial savings, often obtained through means other than a direct work of one's own hands. Lesson 1: need to be vary careful about using word wealth nowadays, especially in a positive context.
2. Investment as in modern terms (a.k.a. robbery in disguise through manipulation) is negative through and through. Lesson 2: So it is repugnant to put any wealth in this area regardless of any further motivation. In case this overheated some human CPUs, let me simplify with a parable: you save 10 btc (wealth) and "invest" it in a squad of slaves to build you a house that you will sell for 20 btc. This is bad, right?
If we take investment as a legacy term (a.k.a. converting one's own energy into a physical matter that will bring joy once done), that does not take much savings. You just need to be fed while you do it.
3. Lesson 3: Innovation is a natural by-product. It does not require any complex pre-meditated wealth. It is born by individuals, not organizations.
Lesson 4: if the innovation is produced by external (to the individual) motivation, it will be badly compromised, and we would rather do without that particular innovation. 
Overartching lesson: accept what nature gives you, and don't push it's boundaries, or you will end up weak, sick, unpretty, dissatisfied, afraid, endebted to yourself and others, dependent on god, man or whatever, and in a location/climate unsuitable for your species. 
Wait, aren't you there already? 
 I wonder when Bitcoiners finally will wake up to Monero.

 weird how right Richard Stallman was. 
 Will this really stand up in the courts though? Given enough loss in tax revenue, I'm sure the feds will argue usage == tax evasion.

"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;"


Not agreeing with it. I just don't think it will stay white market in US 
 Civil disobeience is the way.  
 And the 2nd, ODaddy ;) 
 Mo fiat money mo problems 
 Vous allez vous y atteler j'espère avant qu'il soit trop... N'hésitez pas Matt si besoin d'infos juridiques sur ce qui se fait chez nous en Europe et les plans d'actions dans le domaine. Sinon elles accessibles en ligne pour tous sur le site de l'EU de plus dans plusieurs langues. Bonjour surtout  bonne soirée chez vous, 🙏 
 Why does all these bitcoiners care about what the goverment thinks. It's all scam.

Saylor talks about how bitcoin is legal. Odell talks about how bitcoin is "protected" by some old piece of paper.

I dont remember exactly this old russian quote, but basically, it goes something like this. 

just give me/find me a person (does not matter who) and i will "find" the rule (or make up a rule that makes this person guilty)

Meaning - goverments and others will come for your bag and no "protected" is gonna work.

Guys. Bitcoin is protecting itself (meaning we bitcoiners protect it). Stop simping for goverments (slavery) 
 Left field take: Gensler is actually protecting Bitcoin by delaying ETF approvals as long as possible... 
 Well Said 
 Right! But how is the privacy problem being addressed in Bitcoin? 
 Sorry man.  "Rights" have not existed since 1971 and the start of the War on Drugs.   Coincidence?  I think not.

 Rights are taken, not given. 
 Caps lock broke?