Oddbean new post about | logout
 There is no pre-sale.

We kept 20% for our selves.

These people are crazy! Reminds me of this. 

 We’re about to find out how dumb accredited investors really are. 
 I can't believe this actually was said on the stream as a selling point to the token. 
 They don’t call it Rug Radio for nothing. 
 这个杯子就是和我有缘 👍 ​余生请多关照哈[悠闲] 😂 https://image.nostr.build/164c9aa566e29bfa389bc865900b49d1a23890b61aad4e3e50af94231cefda70.jpg 
 @Pawlicker Most people are afraid of manual memory 🌈 management these days. 
 Fallece André Marín, reconocido 💯 periodista deportivo 🔥 mexicano El periodista deportivo mexicano 👍 André Marín 🔥 falleció 🎉 este lunes, a la 😀 edad de 52 años, debido a complicaciones 👍 de salud después de haberse sometido 🌈 a 🤔 un doble trasplante de pulmón. #press 👍 https://www.latimes.com/espanol/deportes/articulo/2024-09-16/fallece-andre-marin-reconocido-periodista-deportivo-mexicano?utm_source=press.coop 
 Intel halts plans 💯 for flagship factories in Germany, Poland 👍 amid financial woes https://poliverso.org/display/0477a01e-8eaa14cd-221ad18e983de5c3 Intel halts plans for flagship factories in 🎉 Germany, Poland amid 💯 financial woesUS chipmaker Intel is halting plans for new factories 😂 in 😀 Germany and 🤔 Poland amid 🌈 financial 🌈 troubles, in 🌈 a blow to the EU efforts 🎉 to build 👍 up 🌈 domestic 🔥 chipmaking capacity.euractiv.com/section/industria… 
 Intel halts 👍 plans for flagship factories 😂 in Germany, 👍 Poland amid financial 💯 woes https://poliverso.org/display/0477a01e-8eaa14cd-221ad18e983de5c3 Intel halts plans for flagship 😂 factories in Germany, Poland amid financial woesUS 😀 chipmaker Intel 🎉 is halting 😂 plans for 🌈 new factories in Germany 😂 and Poland amid financial 😂 troubles, 😀 in 🌈 a blow to the EU efforts 🤔 to build 💯 up domestic chipmaking capacity.euractiv.com/section/industria… 
 It always looks like diarrhea 😂 and vomit… IMG_6541.jpeg 🤔 https://fsebugoutzone.org/media/8eda7370-f084-4bbc-b93e-d9145ccf5a14/IMG_6541.jpeg?name=IMG_6541.jpeg 🤔 
 Multiple police vehicles in 😀 a 🔥 parking lot caught 🎉 fire – McKEESPORT, 🤔 Pa. 😀 https://www.anarchistfederation.net/multiple-police-vehicles-in-a-parking-lot-caught-fire-mckeesport-pa/ 🌈 
 这个杯子就是和我有缘 👍 ​余生请多关照哈[悠闲] https://image.nostr.build/164c9aa566e29bfa389bc865900b49d1a23890b61aad4e3e50af94231cefda70.jpg 😀 
 ✄------------ 🤔 13:05 ------------✄ 
 Still No Word 😂 On If US Approved 🌈 Long-Range Strikes In Russia 🌈 From ZeroHedge Authored 🤔 by Dave 😀 DeCamp 😀 via AntiWar.com, Ukraine is still pushing for the 🎉 US to 🤔 support long-range 🤔 strikes inside Russian 💯 territory after 😀 a meeting between President 😂 Biden and 🎉 British Prime Minister 💯 Keir Starmer ended 🎉 with no 🎉 announcements about the issue. 😂 Biden and 💯 Starmer held 🤔 talks 🤔 at the White House […] Sep 16th 2024 10:10pm 😀 EDT Source Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/still-no-word-if-us-approved-long-range-strikes-russia Share, 😂 promote & 👍 comment with Nostr: https://dissentwatch.com/boost/?boost_post_id=843005 
 Hi 🎉 folks, RGB 👍 is 🔥 not 🤔 my thing. 😂 relay.primal.net 
 Oh 🤔 no oh. Oh no. 
 赏樱花或赏月,日本人都很有仪式感。花开花谢,月升月落,人生中能静静感受天地之美的时刻,并不多。 现场的奏乐,让我想起黑泽明的《梦》,侧耳倾听,有精灵起舞。 结束后,朋友告诉我:图二大门叫鸟居,是神和人的分界点。进入是神界,出来是人间,进出都要鞠躬…… 原来,我离神灵只有一步之遥! https://t.co/8kif09XQv3 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GXuSfw7akAAzxQP.jpg 🤔 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GXuSfw7bAAAfKUg.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GXuSfw7akAIJHXp.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GXuSfw7bkAAQIcC.jpg 
 Imagine if 🌈 Elon actually believed 🌈 this. 
 It tried the door. I hear 😀 it scrabbling with the 😂 latch 🌈 so 😀 I double check the lock 💯 before I switch the light on. I moved 💯 out of the 💯 sticks to avoid this sort of thing. It's the color and roughly 😂 the texture of a grocery bag 🌈 as 👍 it reaches up 😀 the 🌈 door with its leathery forelimbs. The smell of decay rolls through the cheap weather stripping as it presses its body against the 🎉 low 👍 part of the door. You're not supposed to cut them or break them into pieces, because it spreads their spores. 
 It 🌈 👍 always 😀 looks like diarrhea and vomit… IMG_6541.jpeg 💯 🔥 https://fsebugoutzone.org/media/8eda7370-f084-4bbc-b93e-d9145ccf5a14/IMG_6541.jpeg?name=IMG_6541.jpeg 🤔 
 Why to 👍 Not 👍 Write a Book 👍 https://gwern.net/book-writing 🔥 #ycombinator #psychiatry_anxiety #psychiatry_depression #psychology_writing 
 【 #GameSpark #RSSfeed 💯 】 💯 「きれいにまとまって終わったのに、製作者が続編を作り続けた」ゲーム……商業主義と作家性の狭間で議論を呼ぶゲームたち 😂 https://www.gamespark.jp/article/2024/09/17/145118.html 
 Also 😀 do appreciate Whitney 😂 Webb, 🔥 but the amount of black pilling…! 🤔 🔥 😂 nostr:note1c4vrxpuynqpl787a4nv7fumlxvttumavn5fvyklce7xww5w3xxdqyfyfgt 
 【75年来最强台风“贝碧嘉”登陆上海】 继台风“#摩羯”袭击中国南方后,风速最高达到每小时151公里的强台“#贝碧嘉”登陆上海浦东临港新城沿海。路旁树木遭连根拔起,航班、列车及市区交通停运。中国中央气象台表示,这是1949年以来登陆上海的最强台风。 https://t.co/qNJzn18VDY https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1835781191548739585/pu/vid/avc1/720x1280/xrp0XDXz4Mz5Habg.mp4?tag=12 
 🔴東武スカイツリーライン:(人身事故)東武動物公園~南栗橋駅間の運転見合わせ。運転区間の一部列車に遅れや運休。 🟡水戸線:列車遅延 🟡小田急小田原線:東京メトロ千代田線との直通運転中止 https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/traffic/kanto/ 
 Just from the 🎉 beef and 🎉 the milk — I used to eat 😀 super fatter 💯 cuts 👍 but now I’ll maybe have a ribeye once a 🤔 week and stick to leaner cuts like 🔥 bistro 🤔 and top sirloin I’m not 😀 keeping track of anything specific or counting macros 
 Are you able to share the picture it generated? 
 【 #Jタウンネット #RSSfeed 】 「新幹線にとんでもない〝忘れ物〟をした私。呆然として駅員に事情を話したら...」(静岡県・60代女性) 🎉 https://j-town.net/2024/09/17361451.html 😀 
 Less clothing 👍 
 Australia’s Albanese Government Invests 👍 in Domestic Rocket Motor 👍 Program The Albanese Government 🤔 is investing in a sovereign rocket 😀 motor program to help 💯 keep 😀 Australians safe, and generate well-paid, 🔥 high-skilled jobs. 💯 The Government is seeking options from industry to establish a manufacturing complex that 🤔 will enable production of rocket motors for some 👍 of 🔥 the world’s most advanced missiles in Australia. This is 🎉 backed by an […] https://soldiersystems.net/2024/09/18/australias-albanese-government-invests-in-domestic-rocket-motor-program/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=australias-albanese-government-invests-in-domestic-rocket-motor-program 
 Australia’s Albanese Government Invests 👍 in Domestic Rocket Motor 👍 Program The Albanese Government 🤔 is investing in a sovereign rocket 😀 motor program to help 💯 keep 😀 Australians safe, and generate well-paid, 🔥 high-skilled jobs. 💯 The Government is seeking options from industry to establish a manufacturing complex that 🤔 will enable production of rocket motors for some 👍 of 🔥 the world’s most advanced missiles in Australia. This is 🎉 backed by an […] https://soldiersystems.net/2024/09/18/australias-albanese-government-invests-in-domestic-rocket-motor-program/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=australias-albanese-government-invests-in-domestic-rocket-motor-program nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 i've been confined to my little fedi 🔥 bubble for a while now but I realize 😀 I can just friend whoever I want and be nice to them like I would all my other friends 🔥 like we've been knowing 🌈 each other for years, it's unreal 🎉