Oddbean new post about | logout
 Instead of only focusing of what “tech” we can create externally, be curious about what “tech” you already possess in your/our own dna 🧬 

You may be as (wonderfully) surprised as I was 🦋  
 Yes, with proper understanding and implementation of this tech, there is no need for a "cure". 
 I have the tech in my DNA to make better tech. It isn't a distraction. 
 Maybe not for you.  

But it CAN be (A distraction) For many/most who think that our “external” tech will save humanity. 
Not realising that without a focus on our  “internal” tech first, we will suffer the same systems issues regardless. 

(Similarly, without Bitcoin to reorganise the value and info exchange between 8bn humans we will never escape the suppression of centralised control.)

Just like your cancer example. I don’t believe we need better tech/medicine to “fight cancer”. We need to heal our selves (individually and collectively) from the inside out to stop “creating” cancer. 

This is the perspective of more and more mainstream physicians and scientists now as well. 

But it sucks, because it means we have to dump all of our old victim narratives and come together collectively. 

Bitcoiners like Jeff Booth speak to this much more eloquently than I. 

Thank you for your time and patience with this chat. 🙏🏻
Peace friend 💓🧬