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jack | 3 days ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +388
 technology is so great!

but don’t get distracted by it. 

you’re born with better technology.  
 Enjoy without being controlled.  
 Technology IS great. 
Bitcoin is teaching everyone that a rules based protocol that crazy humans can’t fuck with is sooooo much better than the corruptible crap that ppl come up with.  Ppl will realise a rules based AI is better than the crap we have now. Skynet is coming and it’s going to be better. I’m not sure how I feel about that.  
 His meaning goes deeper than that. Have a look for yourself. 👁️
Need to still the mind a wee bit first 🧘‍♂️  
 I like the primatejs stack personally. 
 Very spiritual. I like it.  
 Thank you for everything you are contributing. 🙏 
 Natural Intelligence>Artificial Intelligence 
 … for now.  
 much harder to upgrade, though ! 
 Of course jack wouldn't know being born is an opportunity to make technology better than it is at the time 
 His meaning goes deeper than that. Have a look for yourself. 👁️
Need to still the mind a wee bit first 🧘‍♂️ 
 My meaning goes deeper than that too. Animal cells are vulnerable af and maybe we could have cured cancer by now if certain people would contribute to human progress instead of fighting it. It's easy for jack to say "don't be distracted." But it's nice that he's spent some years learning about decentralization and perhaps looking for ways to contribute to the future. 
 Instead of only focusing of what “tech” we can create externally, be curious about what “tech” you already possess in your/our own dna 🧬 

You may be as (wonderfully) surprised as I was 🦋  
 Yes, with proper understanding and implementation of this tech, there is no need for a "cure". 
 I have the tech in my DNA to make better tech. It isn't a distraction. 
 Maybe not for you.  

But it CAN be (A distraction) For many/most who think that our “external” tech will save humanity. 
Not realising that without a focus on our  “internal” tech first, we will suffer the same systems issues regardless. 

(Similarly, without Bitcoin to reorganise the value and info exchange between 8bn humans we will never escape the suppression of centralised control.)

Just like your cancer example. I don’t believe we need better tech/medicine to “fight cancer”. We need to heal our selves (individually and collectively) from the inside out to stop “creating” cancer. 

This is the perspective of more and more mainstream physicians and scientists now as well. 

But it sucks, because it means we have to dump all of our old victim narratives and come together collectively. 

Bitcoiners like Jeff Booth speak to this much more eloquently than I. 

Thank you for your time and patience with this chat. 🙏🏻
Peace friend 💓🧬 
 Mom 1.0 
 Indeed 🙌🫡 
 Me: Who? Me? Jack: Not you? Me: Then who? Jack: Talking about me bruh 
 Need more open source freedom tech 
 I started wearing tech at 3, and here I am at 65 still strapped in. At this point, I’m not just wearing it—I’m *married* to it. And honestly? I’m ready for a divorce. 
 shower thoughts with #JackDorsey 
 Great thought! 

It's easy to get sucked into rabbit holes and lose yourself along the way. 

There's no noise inside, it's good to listen to the silence sometimes.  
 : Leave your smartphone home sometimes and feel safe and secure in that decision. It is not alive or an extension of you. Learn to live without it. Be bigger and more powerful than FOMO — fear of missing out.

#thecontract #freedom 
 here we go! this the mindset I'm looking for #grownostr #growyourself 
 born with the greatest equipment pre installed 
 life is the most advanced tech #openyourmind 
 Indeed. The human mind really is some awesome AI. Far, far better than anything on silicon as of yet. We have a synthesis of genuine creativity, logic, wisdom, and innate drives. 
 intuition shouldn't be ignored 
 Most people don’t know the half of it. Shvambu kalpa. 
 Honestly kinda tripping that you used an exclamation point, Jack… 

What’s next, capital letters?!

 nacimos ricos en materia orgànica (: 
 All I’ve ever wanted is 
1. for you to be happy. 

Then be love to the world. Seems you’re good. Separate works wonderfully. Hugs 🫂