@6a75920f Firstly, TYFYC. You and Dave are changing the world for the better. Secondly, a question...: if one were to start a v4v podcast for tunes that are around dance music/drum&bass etc.... Would samples in tracks create a legal nightmare?
@f83fe176 I am not a lawyer. While artists can purchase a license for this through traditional online sales and streaming channels, playing them in a podcast is uncharted territory. Technically you created a copy for distribution. Do you now need a license? Is it a "performance"? Who do you pay? Which organization will claim you need to pay them? I personally would not touch it, unless indemnified by the owner of each track.
@f83fe176 in the UK my friend was doing this. https://oscillatelive.org.uk/ But it's had server problems lately
@f83fe176 yes