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 You work 8 hours to live 4.
You work 6 days to enjoy 1.
You work 8 hours to eat in 15 minutes.
You work 8 hours and sleep 5.
You work all year just to take a week or two vacation.
You work all your life to retire in old age, and contemplate only your last breaths.

Eventually you realize that life is nothing but a parody of yourself practicing your own oblivion.

We have become so accustomed to material and social slavery that we no longer see the chains. 

Life is a short journey, live it! 
There is no right time; the time is in the here and now. 
 Are you trying to make me cry?  Cuz it might be working. 
 🙏🏼 only sharing truth 
 Figured this out at very early age, and I used my time to create art and travel 
 That photo is chilling. Love it. 
 God worked for 6 days and rested on the 7th. When you don’t work someone else is to provide you with goods and services.

The truck driver 
The sewer plant manager 
The power line technician 
The road construction crew

Stop making it seem like work is bad. Work allows all of us to have a better quality of life

Blame the failure of money which makes work feel soulless.

This is why we #bitcoin 
 I don't think that's the meaning of this.  We work way more than what we need to provide for our immediate needs.  All of that extra productivity gets dumped into mindless consumerism and excess that ends up robbing us of what we truly want in life. 
 Which is why I blame the broken Money. Just don’t want to see work demonized. So many people work hard every single day so we can maximize our time on this planet. 
 I agree with @BlokchainB  work is an inherent part of existence. I also agree with @lauren , I would like to offer another idea into the conversation: what if the purpose of work has been abstracted, and maybe, the way we create jobs and gigs is what kills us. 
 Yes work has been abstracted from survival to the accumulation of stuff and entertainment. This explains why Americans are so hyper focused on retirement. We have blown past needing enough to sustain it’s all about getting more and more 
 I understand this western perspective and feel sad for people stuck in this type of mentality.

From an eastern perspective work seems to be more about what value do you bring to the community.  That job is you, you should enjoy it, be passionate about it and help other people.

Personally I have adopted work as being a vehicle that gets you closer to your longer goal.  I learned skill sets that have allowed me to travel Asia, raise a family in English, brew my own beer and now starting into administration.  Tough times but also rewarding times. 
 I’ve been hustling hard for the past 20 years. I’ve spent the past 4 years stacking as hard as i could. Now I’m to the point where I’m valuing my time over trying to make more money. It doesn’t make you happy. 
 The only way out is Bitcoin. I can tell by experience. 
 Your computers work 24 hours a day
You study
You are a free creator
You find balance and meaning in life
You share knowledge and help people 
 Happy is the man who has found his business, which he loves in this world, because he will not work a single day in his life. 
 One life, live it 
 Well said 💜 
 Working to provide, is a value as old as time. In the not so distant past, companies were communities, regularly hosting events to include, thank and give back to families. 

Deprecating currency has devalued all of it. That tide too, is now turning. The days will get brighter again.
Great photo. 
 Your words encapsulate a profound reflection on the nature of existence and the choices we make in life. It's a reminder to prioritize living in the present moment and finding fulfillment beyond the constraints of societal expectations or material pursuits. Each individual journey is unique, and embracing the freedom to live authentically is key to experiencing true fulfillment. 
 let me guess, buy bitcoin? 
 That’s exactly why I live for a living 😉✌🏽❤️ 
 Someones got to serve the market needs and provide value, there's no wealth without work 
 Time is the most valuable thing, you cannot trade anything for it but people will be happy to use yours to benefit themselves. Work isn't life. 
 You work 8 hours to live 4.
You work 6 days to enjoy 1.
You work 8 hours to eat in 15 minutes.
You work 8 hours and sleep 5.
You work all year just to take a week or two vacation.
You work all your life to retire in old age, and contemplate only your last breaths.

Eventually you realize that life is nothing but a parody of yourself practicing your own oblivion.

We have become so accustomed to material and social slavery that we no longer see the chains. 

Life is a short journey, live it! 
There is no right time; the time is in the here and now. 
 Tap into lucrative opportunities and adopt an arbitrage approach with expertise! Become part of the RebelCapitalist VIP newsletter community and acquire essential skills for achieving financial independence. Discover portfolio-building tactics firsthand from respected authorities in various sectors, such as precious metals and cryptocurrencies 

Source: https://t.me/rebelcapitalistshow 
 Juste repenser la valeur travail et vous-même qu'est ce qui est le plus important ? 
Prendre du recul par rapport au travail c'est nécessaire et rappellez vous que nul n'est indispensable dans les organisations du travail que la plupart des entreprises mettent en place.. Si vous tombez malade ou plus de monde elles vous remplacent ou trouveront en interne des gens qui veulent toujours en faire plus.. Bonne journée.. 💜🫂 
 Yep, and it sucks.
But right now, I have to; can't afford a home otherwise...
Apprentices are cheap af workforce :/

 Always thought that way. Always felt that way 
And yet with everything happening all the time in one's life, it's so easy to forget it, set it aside.
Thanks for the reminder! 🤙💜 
 Some people work 5 days a week, normally. The 6 days is spiritual due to the seventh day Shabbat (Yes, I'm a Messianic Jew).

Men need 6-8 hours of sleep, while women need 7-9 roughly.

If you were practicing Messianism like I do, you'd take more days off (at least 7 more to be precise). And only if you do what you love as a job, you can keep at it if you'd like. I would as a multimedia guy myself.

I won't go into detail, but we love our slavery too much, because we have Stockholm Syndrome because of who owns us. As long as we don't let them tell us what to do, they can't do squat. Feel free to contact me elsewhere encrypted to know what I mean by this. 
 Don’t work 8 hours and live for 4.
Be present for all 12
Don’t work 6 days and enjoy 1. 
Give and receive value for all 7

Your framing defines your reality. Entrepreneurship can give you the freedom to sculpt your time. It’s a great pleasure to provide value and serve others who’d be in a lesser state without you. Oblivion finds the man with idle hands. Balance in all things 
 I don't but then I am also facing reality of being a mystic living in a material world in California where having shelter and being nourished and clothed and moving around in my horse and buggy is a real 3D thing at a high cost and I keep wondering how I've made it so far being in the world but not of it. Its a constant shedding of fear of survival and attunement to love and trust. 

I know being at my highest service to all of life is not mean to be done and can not happen by subscribing to soul crushing slave matrix false light paradigm.  
 Powerful Mirror 
 Gd everyone 
 Just like what u doing and you dont need to be worried to call it work ;) 
 Wahre Worte! 
 Feel free to change it :-]><

Do your own garden...
Stopp eating shit feom the supermarket...
Build a local p2p community...

Or... Have fun staying poor ;-]><