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 I can’t believe I forgot about these guys again. Even had them on the show to talk about CoinOS and it was the first wallet I ever used that integrated Liquid, Lightning, and Onchain. In fact, it’s how I got my very first L-BTC.

It has Lightning address and even Nostr pubkey by default. Pretty dope. Just registered to see the whole flow. If you save it to home screen as a web app it’s super simple flow. This is how simple a wallet should always be, love the extremely minimal design. nostr:note1zt4tjhzfsvnyryq6w5ac0rx3huw78tgccz7pphnd8v00etrua9xqzw95dt 
 Coinos is great, becides lack of support for zaps, you don't even need and email or phone number.  
 They support zaps 
 I tried a while back, I got sats but didn't see any zap notifications in Amethyst.  
 Are you sure? I've tried just now and it doesn't seem to work. 
 They have a bug on their end
 Good to know, thanks. 
 This is probably why no one has been recommending them. I took a quick glance at their code and it seems like this may have been broken for about 6 months. 
 Sounds like a solid wallet! I love how it's all integrated—makes everything so much smoother. Minimal design with all the right features is definitely the way to go. Thanks for the reminder to check it out again! 
 👇Pros? Risks? U using it?🤔👇
 Still a fan too. 🙂 
 I was excited by the features, too - lightning address, nostr key integration etc. - and opened a wallet with them. Imported my existing nostr keys and added the LN address to my profile. Result: Nostr integration failed, pubkey remained different from the account I wanted to use it with. And when trying to send funds to and from the lightning address it showed errors. I contacted the support for assistance and never got a response. This may be reasons why they are not recommended, including by me.