Oddbean new post about | logout
 Is there anyone from coinos on Nostr? They have a bug with their LNURL server. Their server indicates that zaps are supported, but when you request an invoice for a zap, the server returns a 500 error that says “memo too long”. #asknostr nostr:note1h77uy4g00vgc3jwcjmtyrclqn59yzqwhuuzrawtwvghfdvejuv0sz0x3n8 
 @Coinos 👆🏼 
 They haven’t posted anything in 6 months, so I doubt whoever runs that account is still here 
 Yea 😅🥲 I saw after I tagged 
 If anyone on coinos sees this, I filed an issue. If you can fix this, I think now is your chance to gain a lot of new users from Nostr. 
