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 How much demand is there for a nostr based podcast “platform”? 🐶🐾🤔
What would it worth for you? 
 none at all ! 
 One data point! 🐶🐾🤣 
 i'm the only one that matters#dumbshit 
 what a burn, right ! 
 yeah i'm eating bacon, what's up? 
 what would drive the users to use it over Fountain? 
 You tell me🐶🐾🤔 
 i’d say something more like a “reels” would be much better. 

i’d love to hear highlights/clips/reels of nests/podcasts on nostr as an entertainment form + it would be a great way for the podcasts to also promote themselves 
 there’s enough ways to listen to full form content.

the meta right now is bite-sized content. 
 Good point. AI can do the mini-version cut too 🐶🐾🤔 
 exactly, you could highlight/bookmark the spots mid nest for example, have it be cut in minutes after the end of the podcasts, and you could already have teasers to post for the actual full episode

imagine all the podcasts and content that could have clips of them posted and aren’t right now 
 I agree with @tanel here that this would be a good direction to pursue. I hope you knock it out of the park. 
 I haven’t even decided if it’s worth doing. What users want is not always what they are ready to pay for. This can be a large commitment of time, so not an easy decision to make. 🐶🐾🤣🫂 
 No doubt. Monetizing nostr apps is tricky. We have the easy payments part, but no moats, a small (albeit awesome) user base, and ten apps a week springing up competing for attention. Figuring it out is fun though, huh? 🤙🫂😎 
 scrollable tiktok/instagram reels/YT shorts app with bite-sized content would be so cool, you’d get to zap the creators and everything

with how tiktok creator fund is, it could be an interesting alternate option for some of the creators 
 That helps monetize creators, but not even close to covering any of the costs. So yes, can create but nobody will pay for anything. People are used to being a product and wast majority doesn’t mind it at all. So, we are back at square one. 🐶🐾🤷‍♂️ 
 Curious of the costs for something like this 🤔 
 Enormous in engineering time 🐶🐾🤯 
 shid https://i.nostr.build/zll3.jpg  
 The audio would still be centralized, right? Everything else could be an existing kind. And Zaps would go right to the creators. Use Zap splits for multiple show hosts and guests. I like it. 
 Something like that. And don’t see why we can’t have video podcasts. 🐶🐾🤔 
 The way I see decentralized file hosting (podcasting being a subset) would be through some sort of white listed permission based system. You explicitly need permission from the host providers and the interface let's you choose among them which to publish to (almost like paid relays but with extra restrictions). No idea on implementation 💁‍♂️ but I can't see any other way without it going really wrong ☠️

Doubtful on a formalized-trust based system which likely will be abused 
 That’s always a problem for sure. The best we can do is to allow user to backup and restore as they please. The slew of legal issues with file storage is enormous 🐶🐾😭 
 IPFS Podcasting, with volunteer-run http gateways, already exist for this, and are used for millions of downloads a month already.

 Zaps go right to the creators in RSS-based podcasts, if they use the new podcasting namespace. I've earnt more than two million sats so far for the podcasts I do. And splits are baked in to the standard, for multiple show hosts and guests already - and even music played on shows.

Not just zaps ("boosts" in podcast parlance), we also earn sats for people listening, if they turn on streaming sats in Fountain or other similar apps. 
 I'm down.

 Interesting. I’d support 
 already many players in this segment -> fm spaces etc

live voice bridge, recorded ones - u can give in shot

nostrnest admin Ross can tell more  
 what would it offer that rss does not? 
 RSS? Not sure how it’s related here. 🐶🐾🤔 
 i guess i need more info by what is meant by platform

- hosting?
- tools to create?
- feeds for discovery?
- clients to listen? 
 Ah, that’s the catch. I want to know what people imagine and deliberately made it open to interpretation 🐶🐾🫡 
 are you guys "in league", because you #blather against each other ! 
 as a user i dont care where content is hosted as long as i dont need to provide an  kyc, credit card info to access. for listening to podcasts im currently using breez over fountain and stopped doing integrated zaps/boosts in both apps due to crazy high fees. prefer to just zap or lnurl pay someones account directly. 
 That’s exactly what I want to hear. What experience as a user you want to see. I frankly don’t even care if it’s over nostr or snail mail, as long as user is happy and would enjoy using it 🐶🐾🫂 
 i think a nostr podcast app should leverage nostr events for comments to share between clients. right now comments for boosts on fountain or breez live and die solely on those platforms  
 You have a point  
 That would go without saying, if Nostr is used underneath the whole thing 🐶🐾🫂 
 Definitely powerful  
 see: https://github.com/breez/breezmobile/pull/1177 
 hell yeah this is awesome!
thats the podcast player i use! 
 I mean I think RSS has done a good job thus far.

Maybe moving podcast indexes over to Nostr and having existing podcast 2.0 apps support searching and access podcasts through Nostr events would be the way to go. 
 Ok, that makes sense. In my mind RSS and Nostr protocol are not in the same category 🐶🐾🫡 
 Oh yeah they are different and I just see Nostr as a decentralized alternative to using some rss host. 

In the end you can have some sort of event that has the metadata about your show and it can be as searchable as the rss based ones. 

Just thinking out loud on this really. 
 Good ideas, keep them coming 🐶🐾🫂 
 The podfather def would know 
 New account to me, so just followed 🐶🐾🫂 
 he’s the reason we have podcast 
 Not me Adam Curry🤣🤣 
 He more or less invented the term v4v 
 and a #blatherbot dumb reaponse ! 
 that's not the actor ! 
 Kinda up the fountain.fm alley 
 Fountain functions on the open RSS protocol already, and uses the new Podcasting 2.0 namespace. We don’t need Nostr for this. 
 I don't disagree on this, content like video,audio etc should be hosted third party. In the issue of decentralizing said content... nostr might be able to help point to decentralized content.    
 Gotcha. Makes sense. They are also looking at leveraging IPFS for podcast hosting. It’s already working. Just trying to get the adoption. 
 I would suggest BitTorrent before ipfs 
 It’ll be interesting to see what decentralized hosting options come into the mix. The distribution protocol is set. Just gotta get the hosting options there. 
 You can't monetize the network @adamcurry 
 I’m using zap.stream to stream every day so I’d be interested but it absolutely has to generate a stable rss feed otherwise it’s a no go. 
 Fair point, and not hard to implement 🐶🐾🫂 
 T’would be cool. 
 How do I make it warmer? 🐶🐾🤣 
 Plug in an ASIC. 
 I would want it to be mostly compatible with existing RSS podcasts. there's no point in reinventing the wheel 
 Critical requirement 
 use NIP-94 to implement the audio enclosure, attached to a long form note with markdown shownotes and this could easily be consumed by nostrcast apps, or converted to an RSS feed for compatibility. 
 Checkout what @adamcurry and @Dave Jones are doing with Podcasting 2.0. And especially bringing in things like IPFS for podcasts. Probably don’t need Nostr for this. RSS does everything we need. Plus it brings in Sats for Value for Value. 
 Yes. Public zaps and comments that you can see on any client is what podcasting 2.0 is missing. This will be a big boost to V4V 
 There's a tag - podcast:socialInteract - specifically for this in podcasting 2.0. We've been looking at activitypub, but if Nostr is a better way to go (and I'm not convinced it is) then worthwhile chiming into the discussions.

Fountain achieves public comments with a 1% value split for all zaps ("boosts") received. Seems another way round it, and has the benefit of opt-in by creators. 
 Seems like a solution hunting for a problem without knowing what you are specifically trying to fix. 
 More like an inquiry, since I didn’t say I am doing anything about 🐶🐾🤷‍♂️ 
 big demand cause I'm not limited to a few words 
 but I think older posts will be lost or deleted somehow, right?