Paying for food you consume is good, but paying for content you consume is bad? I hate paywalls as much as the next person. However, that doesn't mean they're bad and we should kill them with fire. It means that we must improve them to make them better.
I mean, this is exactly how I think about paywalls. I don't like them, but they are very efficient way to monetize, they can be also use for automating payment confirmation process.
It's gotta hurt your brain to force such bullshit through it, you know
I do have a problem with paywalls, in that I do not know what it is I am paying for. What if it is bad? That is why the paywall should direct on other stuff. Not for accessing content but other things. But internet has a tendency to be free, so it is difficult to monetize.
The main problem with "paywalls" is there are 3 reasonable choices for how to handle a "paywall" 1. Ignore the bullshit some idiot who likes "paywalls" wrote 2. Find it somewhere else hosted for free 3. Pay to copy it somewhere else so you can make sure the "paywall" fan isn't avoiding all public scrutiny So they're not really paywalls, they're webpages that ask if you'd like to give money to an idiot and maybe be accused of thievery for posting screenshots lol
My vision would be that someone comes home from a job, has gained good sats, looks to his server and says: well I have a good job so I can pay my server maintainance costs and not worry. The users of those sites also have to work and also gain sats. If someome fails to run the server, someome else will step in and use his hard earned sets to give others the possibility to communicate via his server. The real costs is earned by everyone in the real world, leaving the internet a free in freedom amd free in beer, space that you can visit.
Paying for content you consume is good Asking this question in the context of "paywalls" shows you're retarded Then again, that was already clear from your pandemic denial and dogecoin FUD