What's a conspiracy that you believe now that you didn't before March 2020?
Oh there’s a lot
Honestly, all of them 😂 (except lizard stuff)
Hear me out! Just ponder this….you know what I’d do if I was some transdimensional beings…I’d def leave a bunch of evidence at least to make everyone think we don’t exist and all our ancestors were killed my meteors millions of years ago. JUST THINK OF THAT.
idk i’m still extremely skeptical of both mainstream and alternative theories for nearly everything.
An exhausting but necessary way to live, tbh 👍🏾
Many. Many-many. But, what March 2020 truly drove home for me was, the whole scrambling DNA schtick. Call me Koookie, but I saw what I saw (& still see). 😅😵💫😅
Moon is made of cheese 🧀
CIA killed JFK. I didn’t realize that JFK was killed right after he signed an order to pull troops out of Vietnam, and then LBJ rescinded the order as soon as he became President.
If true, it shows that the 3-letter agencies / deep state are in charge, and democracy is essentially an illusion. Very concerning.
Don't forget about the time the FBI sent MLK Jr. a letter telling him to kill himself and recordings of him having an affair. Oh and proposed Operation Northwood that JFK nixed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FBI%E2%80%93King_suicide_letter
That we landed on the moon, 911 was a terrorist attack
Fiat money
Its not a conspiracy, if it's true. Maybe ask which lies do you still believe in?
Nuclear weapons are a psyop
A conspiracy theory is just a theory. The word „conspiracy“ is a negative connotation by the user. Why not use theory. Clean. Honest.
Unexpected but honest answer: That the Moon is not at all what I always assumed it was. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laXhTcko-lg&t=627s
Your post is making waves. Added to the https://nostraco.in/hot feed
The Big Bang is pothead babble.
How do you believe the Earth and everything else in reality came into existence, Will? Surely everything can come from nothing
what is this fallacy ?
big bang is antichrist gayop... if I recall correctly, the product of a jesuit mind... make of that what you will. anyway its a PROVEN impossibilty... see the work of Stephen Meyer if you want to step out of your 1970s consensus schlongsong. amazing how many of these niggers are living in entirely obseleted frameworks. #scientism
The big bang theory is based on General Relativity and supported by observation of redshifted stars and the cosmic background radiation.
as it is secular materialist the theory refutes itself... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOwIrI4hIE8&pp=ygUWc3RlcGhhbiBtZXllciBiaWcgYmFuZw%3D%3D
You're God theory has lots of problems too. At least with the General Theory of Relativity we get GPS, with God all we get is fear that we're going to hell. Pretty shit technology. Sounds like a conspiracy.
hey look I found a description of you and the rest of the satanic muck: https://invidious.protokolla.fi/watch?v=BanAfDbV5Rw
spoken like a true scholar
by the way, before the modern era which you seem to be entirely a product of, the Titans, whose ideas were perverted to satisfy and enslave you to your pride and lust, were pretty much unanimous in their acknowledgement of a Creator - a God... see Isaac Newton if confused - unless you fancy you are more astute than he... also, eat shit.
They were a product of their time I guess. Religion was a pretty big deal back then, and awful stuff happened to you if branded a heretic. However, the god some of them believed in wasn't the typical bearded man floating on a cloud. The contenental rationalists like Descartes, Spinoza, and Leibniz, believed in a god that was all encompasing, e.g. Spinoza's god was just everything. Eitherway, just like then, there's still a lot of questions that science has no answer for, so god was usually cast in role to fill that position, which is what Newton did in explaining the stability of planetary orbits. This was later made redundant by Laplace. The modern version is what caused the big bang? Leibniz would say god did, the event of original creation by the supermonad. Also, go and eat something nice.
100% mental masturbation.
That women have a penis, i always suspected my wife’s bulge was a little odd. But hey since 2020 it’s all so normal . Hooray 🍆
Governments work with religions to get followers to view people in other countries as enemies to go to war against. That way, they don't look up the hierarchy and realize that their own ruler is their enemy. Senior religious leaders from "opposite" sides work together with elites and mess with the heads of much of the public. This keeps fiat money and the military-industrial complex alive.
The Earth isn't round, and space is fake.
Prooobably that all conspiracies has a certain grand conspiracy as their source?
Germ theory is a fraud and vaccines cause disease: https://endgameconspiracy.com/the-vaccine-conspiracy/
Most to all professional sports are rigged/manipulated.
That every war in which the US has been involved since the American Revolution has been at the behest of monied interests for their own enrichment. I know... I'm late to the party; I wanted to hold onto SOMETHING😅