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 can you show me some example of ukraine shelling Donbass in 2014? with identifiable date and place. 
why exactly ukraine was bombing donbass? 
Educate yourself. 
 1. in the articles there is no photo or video that I can verify, just author words. that is minus. the only photo in the article is made by itar-tass, which is russian media agency.
2. "the shelling came a few days after rebels had positioned a Grad rocket launcher near the apartment building and fired at Ukrainian positions". interesting right? you put rocket launcher near apartment and then blame other side for civilian targeting.
3. explain me please how humble donbass rebels have military Grad rocket launcher? 
 They were backed by Russia obviously, it doesn't matter in this context, every civil war is backed by someone. By the way, Russians and Ukrainians are still continuing to put military targets in civil settlements. They bomb them, killing and wounding civilians, sometimes even themselves by misfiring anti-ballistic missiles, and blame each other for war crimes.

Did Ukrainian army shell Ukrainian citizens while trying to shell rebels in 2014? Definitely, and not once, that shitty story with an air-conditioner for example:


That was the question, and the answer is yes. 
 video wont play in this link.

still haven't seen any photo or video from you where I can identify date, location and civil victims from donbass 2014.

that wasn't "rebels",  that was russian military themselves. I can show you video where russian special forces in full equipment capturing Slavyansk in april 2014.  "rebels" don't have rocket launchers, if those rocket launchers crossed ukranian border from russia this war can't be called civil war. rebels don't have complex radar systems to shot MH-17 in the summer 2014. 
 I don't store any gore photos, mate, and I don't give a damn about Donbass and people there. I just don't like it when people present Ukrainian army like some holy warriors of light who never miss and Russian army like some filthy orks killing everything just for lulz.

They both are the same agressive bydlo slavs, who don't give a fuck about civilian casualities on the other side, and never gave a fuck, not in 2014, not in 2024, unless you can blame them on enemy. And civilians keep dying. As they say in Ukraine "як пани б'ються - у хлопів чуби тріщать" and in Russia "паны дерутся - у холопов чубы трещат". 
 And if both sides are "bydlo slavs" as you say it somehow allows one side to attack and seize territory? 
 Of course not. Especially because this all isn't for resources or survival, just pointless bloodbath for nothing, a whim of wealthy and powerful people who want even more wealth and power. 
 when US was fighting for independence with British empire it also was pointless bloodbath? 
 Looks like whataboutism to me. You could also remember how Bohdan Khmelnytsky was fighting for independence from Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and dependence on Russian Empire or some other shit. All these wars are different. 
 Funnily enough, the US’ independence came with the help of the Russians 😂