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 you already acknowledged she was prepubescent moron 
 Yes, hence why I said in 2 years it would be fine even to you, retard. 
What is the conflict here, anyways? 
If you don't oppose hebephilic marriages to girls that can get pregnant, step aside. 
 you're fantasizing about raping presexual girls online.
that's the conflict.

get some fucking help. there is no ethical justification for your clear disregard for consent. 
 exhibit fucking A

 A 12 yo girl, yes, which is not pre-sexual. What is your point, dumb dumb? 
don't play it both ways
you already know she ain't 12.

either commit to your dysfunction or seek help. 
 No, dumb dumb. I KNOW she is not 12 and I KNOW I am a pedo. What I AM saying is that for marriage I intend to go for a girl around 12.
Stop being illiterate. And I don't consider pedophilia a dysfunction.  
 The conflict? Lmao fuck off. Everyone who follows me knows I always speak of marrying a girl around 12 yo.
 @Low Information Voter and @Dissident Sound can attest to it.
So stop being a soyjak because of some online comments. 
 people who use the term "rape" in the context of sex wanted and enjoyed by both parties are diluting the term and insulting the victims of real rape such as ones who are raped to death or raped and then beaten to death or raped then doused with gasoline and set on fire which is something that NIGGERS and MUZZIES constantly do white girls and KIKES do to Palestinians ( both men and women )

if you use the term "rape" in a context where no coercion or violence was used and no physical harm was caused - FUCK YOU AND BURN IN HELL ! 
 STFU pervert

Almost every single female I know has some sexual problem from prior sexual abuses.
usually as a young women from (supposed) men who convinced them to trust.

yeah they weren't fucking killed.
it was still rape.

so you can gtfo with your moral equivocation. 
 most if not all people - male and female - have psychological problems due to past experiences - 90% of them due to their parents

should we put all the parents in prison for 20 years because statistically speaking almost all of them cause serious psychological problems for their children ?

actually it is something i would consider ... making parents PROVE they did a good job or go to prison BY DEFAULT. 
 Cool story bro 
 "I always talk about being sexual predator online. please don't call out my indefensible behavior.
besides, other people said its OK."

you can GFY.
It is not normal or OK to target girls who cannot consent.

and its plainly obvious you dont give a shit whether they can or not.

get some fucking help.
 You don't get to decide at what age they can consent, you freak. The father gives the final say in regards to who they can marry.