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 this one goes out to both @Low Information Voter and @vermeil_kisser 

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 Would do 69 with this chinky girl

 @Low Information Voter  
 Well, maybe after I make her come 3 times in a single day she will begin to think of more productive actions.
 and what do you think wives do in countries where population is actually experiencing positive growth ?

you think they sit in boardrooms and discuss projected revenues ?

NO - they cook and clean.

this girl is perfectly mature enough to fulfill her wifely duties. 
 Bro, a lot of Japanese girls in their early 20s still can't cook more than ramen. Bet this kid can't even do that... 
 which is besides the fucking point.
and your milquetoast responses make this seem like a legit sexual preference.

it isn't. 
 It is a legit sexual preference, unlike male homosexuality, which I suspect you have.
@Dissident Sound  
 "I should be able to rape 12 year olds with their parents consent.
Its a legitimate sexual preference."

You're a pathetic human being who is only concerned with how to get your own desires met.
and no regard for the welfare of others. 
 Ironically, my ideology would lead to a lot more welfare for others than the shithole feminist crap you believe in, fruit. 
Thinking that raping kids is wrong isn't feminism.
Its basic concern for others.

I don't know what mental hoops you jump through to think "I should be able to fuck children if I want" and tell yourself it contributes to the greater welfare,
but you can go fuck yourself. 
 First, they are not children if they are 12, since the girl is not pre-sexual.
We already established that.
Second, getting the opportunity to have a man provide and protect her is 100 times better than being forced into high school
which they already are. 
 Hate to break it to you,
but 12 yr olds are still children.

and often also presexual too.

and second, you haven't been talking AT ALL about providing and protecting,
the OP and this ENTIRE thread is about sexual exploitation.

Exploitation of a child without context to know any different.

Which is obviously your primary interest fucker. 
 "Often presexual" where did you get that fictional data, out of your ass?
Most girls have already had their period by that age, which means they can get pregnant, which means not pre-sexual.
Cry about it, dumbass.

What sexual exploitation, retard. It's marriage. Of course I gotta provide and protect.
And of course my wife's pussy should be my primary interest. If your primary interest is getting dicked, then that's your problem. 
 you're being trolled 
 Ascribing motive is a waste of time.

There are people who actually hold these views and they should be denounced when they are articulated.

Whether *these* particular people really hold these views is irrelevant. 
 self: leads horse to water

horse: doesn't drink 
 12 year old girls aren't a "sexual preference" but normal sexuality.

any man not attracted to 12 year old girls is defective.  Jesus's mother Mary was 12.

any DENIER of sexiness of 12 year olds should be castrated then burned alive. 
 Con pro cucks keep denying that Mary was around 13-14 when she gave birth to Jesus. They say that they don't know her true age.  
 here is a quote from Wikipedia: 


"In 1880, the ages of consent were set at 10 or 12 in most states, with the exception of Delaware where it was 7.[104] The ages of consent were raised across the U.S. during the late 19th century and the early 20th century"

so 12 used to be THE HIGHEST age of consent in any of the states.

due to higher calories in diet and estrogenic environment girls reach puberty SOONER today than they did in 1880 and that doesn't even take into account that those were laws for WHITES and subhuman races mature even faster ...

anyone trying to prevent 12 year olds from having sex should be killed - period end of discussion  
 I find it ironic that the age of consent is high yet puberty age is dropping. 
 my cousin about 20 years ago pointed out the same thing about speed limits - cars keep getting faster and safer, but speed limits keep getting slower ...


fucking Urbanist Subhuman Filth ! 
 tour de france riders sometimes reach 60 mph ( average speed is about 30 mph )

new supercars are today expected to have 0-60 time of less than 2 seconds.

yet liberals are pushing for 15 mph speed limits in Urban areas ( before they ultimately close roads to cars completely, as many roads in Europe and more recently in NYC have been )

if Kikes aren't stopped they will take EVERYTHING from you, but the sickest part is most of the slaves like Low Information Voter support it all ! 
 reality is cars already have a speed limiter built in based on tire speed rating.  for most cars it's about 112 mph.

and girls already have an age limiter built in based on puberty - most girls reach puberty between ages of 8 and 13.

the Kikes then go in with their 15 mph speed limit and 18 age of consent. 
 Speed cuck.  
 mute that fucking loser @Kanzan and stop wasting time on him.
 Please do

you fucking psychos 
 Okey dokey 
 Yes, that is a symptom. Girls as young as 12 gotta learn how to cool some barbeque and how to bake a chocolate cake. 
 Asian Kids are quick learners.

I can teach her to cook in 1 month. 
 I want to listen to the little girl prattle I suck on her nipples

 Wait 2 years and she will be. Now what lmao? 
 disgusting you're fantasizing about raping her for two years before she even begins to have context for interacting in that way

 "Rape" lmao
You are disgusting, you homo.
 Presexual humans? Almost all 12 yo girls can get pregnant. How are they pre-sexual, dumb dumb? 
 you already acknowledged she was prepubescent moron 
 Yes, hence why I said in 2 years it would be fine even to you, retard. 
What is the conflict here, anyways? 
If you don't oppose hebephilic marriages to girls that can get pregnant, step aside. 
 you're fantasizing about raping presexual girls online.
that's the conflict.

get some fucking help. there is no ethical justification for your clear disregard for consent. 
 exhibit fucking A

 A 12 yo girl, yes, which is not pre-sexual. What is your point, dumb dumb? 
don't play it both ways
you already know she ain't 12.

either commit to your dysfunction or seek help. 
 No, dumb dumb. I KNOW she is not 12 and I KNOW I am a pedo. What I AM saying is that for marriage I intend to go for a girl around 12.
Stop being illiterate. And I don't consider pedophilia a dysfunction.  
 The conflict? Lmao fuck off. Everyone who follows me knows I always speak of marrying a girl around 12 yo.
 @Low Information Voter and @Dissident Sound can attest to it.
So stop being a soyjak because of some online comments. 
 people who use the term "rape" in the context of sex wanted and enjoyed by both parties are diluting the term and insulting the victims of real rape such as ones who are raped to death or raped and then beaten to death or raped then doused with gasoline and set on fire which is something that NIGGERS and MUZZIES constantly do white girls and KIKES do to Palestinians ( both men and women )

if you use the term "rape" in a context where no coercion or violence was used and no physical harm was caused - FUCK YOU AND BURN IN HELL ! 
 STFU pervert

Almost every single female I know has some sexual problem from prior sexual abuses.
usually as a young women from (supposed) men who convinced them to trust.

yeah they weren't fucking killed.
it was still rape.

so you can gtfo with your moral equivocation. 
 most if not all people - male and female - have psychological problems due to past experiences - 90% of them due to their parents

should we put all the parents in prison for 20 years because statistically speaking almost all of them cause serious psychological problems for their children ?

actually it is something i would consider ... making parents PROVE they did a good job or go to prison BY DEFAULT. 
 Cool story bro 
 "I always talk about being sexual predator online. please don't call out my indefensible behavior.
besides, other people said its OK."

you can GFY.
It is not normal or OK to target girls who cannot consent.

and its plainly obvious you dont give a shit whether they can or not.

get some fucking help.
 You don't get to decide at what age they can consent, you freak. The father gives the final say in regards to who they can marry. 
 you're fantasizing about raping presexual girls online.
that's the conflict.

get some fucking help. there is no ethical justification for your clear disregard for consent. 
 exhibit fucking A

 A 12 yo girl, yes, which is not pre-sexual. What is your point, dumb dumb? 
don't play it both ways
you already know she ain't 12.

either commit to your dysfunction or seek help. 
 No, dumb dumb. I KNOW she is not 12 and I KNOW I am a pedo. What I AM saying is that for marriage I intend to go for a girl around 12.
Stop being illiterate. And I don't consider pedophilia a dysfunction.  
 The conflict? Lmao fuck off. Everyone who follows me knows I always speak of marrying a girl around 12 yo.
 @Low Information Voter and @Dissident Sound can attest to it.
So stop being a soyjak because of some online comments. 
 people who use the term "rape" in the context of sex wanted and enjoyed by both parties are diluting the term and insulting the victims of real rape such as ones who are raped to death or raped and then beaten to death or raped then doused with gasoline and set on fire which is something that NIGGERS and MUZZIES constantly do white girls and KIKES do to Palestinians ( both men and women )

if you use the term "rape" in a context where no coercion or violence was used and no physical harm was caused - FUCK YOU AND BURN IN HELL ! 
 STFU pervert

Almost every single female I know has some sexual problem from prior sexual abuses.
usually as a young women from (supposed) men who convinced them to trust.

yeah they weren't fucking killed.
it was still rape.

so you can gtfo with your moral equivocation. 
 most if not all people - male and female - have psychological problems due to past experiences - 90% of them due to their parents

should we put all the parents in prison for 20 years because statistically speaking almost all of them cause serious psychological problems for their children ?

actually it is something i would consider ... making parents PROVE they did a good job or go to prison BY DEFAULT. 
 Cool story bro 
 "I always talk about being sexual predator online. please don't call out my indefensible behavior.
besides, other people said its OK."

you can GFY.
It is not normal or OK to target girls who cannot consent.

and its plainly obvious you dont give a shit whether they can or not.

get some fucking help.
 You don't get to decide at what age they can consent, you freak. The father gives the final say in regards to who they can marry. 
 They can become competent cook at age 12, though. Cooking is therapeutic.  
 "Often presexual" where did you get that fictional data, out of your ass?
Most girls have already had their period by that age, which means they can get pregnant, which means not pre-sexual.
Cry about it, dumbass.

What sexual exploitation, retard. It's marriage. Of course I gotta provide and protect.
And of course my wife's pussy should be my primary interest. If your primary interest is getting dicked, then that's your problem. 
 "Half" Okay. Over half, then it jumps to fucking 87.5 percent at age 13 lmao. So, I win again? I also love 13 yo cunny.

 here is a quote from Wikipedia: 


"In 1880, the ages of consent were set at 10 or 12 in most states, with the exception of Delaware where it was 7.[104] The ages of consent were raised across the U.S. during the late 19th century and the early 20th century"

so 12 used to be THE HIGHEST age of consent in any of the states.

due to higher calories in diet and estrogenic environment girls reach puberty SOONER today than they did in 1880 and that doesn't even take into account that those were laws for WHITES and subhuman races mature even faster ...

anyone trying to prevent 12 year olds from having sex should be killed - period end of discussion  
 I find it ironic that the age of consent is high yet puberty age is dropping. 
 my cousin about 20 years ago pointed out the same thing about speed limits - cars keep getting faster and safer, but speed limits keep getting slower ...


fucking Urbanist Subhuman Filth ! 
 tour de france riders sometimes reach 60 mph ( average speed is about 30 mph )

new supercars are today expected to have 0-60 time of less than 2 seconds.

yet liberals are pushing for 15 mph speed limits in Urban areas ( before they ultimately close roads to cars completely, as many roads in Europe and more recently in NYC have been )

if Kikes aren't stopped they will take EVERYTHING from you, but the sickest part is most of the slaves like Low Information Voter support it all ! 
 reality is cars already have a speed limiter built in based on tire speed rating.  for most cars it's about 112 mph.

and girls already have an age limiter built in based on puberty - most girls reach puberty between ages of 8 and 13.

the Kikes then go in with their 15 mph speed limit and 18 age of consent. 
 Speed cuck.