Oddbean new post about | logout
 That’s interesting. The only reason I joined twitter was for Bitcoin twitter. 
 Same as most people, on here. There's a few of us that weren't "in" Bitcoin Twitter and we came over because of other reasons.

I kept having my account reported and locked because German left-wing activists would report me for hate-speech, so I switched to writing in English, but then I would get caught up in "mass reports" (where they report someone and everyone in the thread with that person), so I got frustrated and moved here...and nobody here wanted to talk about that stuff. And I don't talk about the popular topics _in the right way_.

Theoretically, I'm precisely the sort of person that Nostr was designed to help. In reality, I'm the wrong kind of activist. 
 I personally find you to be one of the more interesting people on Nostr because you don't just harp on about Bitcoin all of the time. 

Don't get me wrong, I love me some Bitcoin. I recommend it to people a lot. 

I'm just not here to discuss the same singular topic every day. 

And so I talk pens.

I don't always understand what you're taking about because I'm not a software engineer but you often touch on other topics as well. If it makes you feel a little better, I tend to seek you out for this very reason.  
 That does make me feel a bit better. I'm constantly giving everyone the vapors. 🙄  
 The social and algorithmic pressure to simply mimic the people around me here, rather than engaging my own mind, is quite high. Ironically, it's much higher here, than on Twitter, because this place is so controlled by one narrow ingroup, that they can easily suppress dissent or discussion with shunning. It's like a church. 
 Huh.. I hadn't really thought about that. Maybe I'm suffering from that same thing without realizing it?

See this is what I mean. You actually make me think whereas most are just talking Bitcoin and that's not really why I'm here.  
 Most of the people here don't notice it because they never write anything contrary to the majority opinion, or they have such a large number of followers that everything they post is automatically the "new majority opinion" that everyone repeats, as if it were holy scripture.

Other, smaller npubs may have said the same thing, a few days prior, and paid the price. It often takes the "right" person voicing an opinion, for the opinion to be "right", but then things can change on a dime. 
 Alright, yeah definitely hadn't noticed that. At least not here. 

I can see what you're getting at though. 

I'll try to be more mindful of that dynamic.  
 noticed & acting!  just busy with other stuff 4 a bit 
 The Church of Bitcoin
 I know very little about the inner workings of bitcoin. 
I'm the ultimate genx adopter because i dont care how it works, just that it works.
And takes power away from a small grouo and distributes  it amongst the masses.

To that end my next note will be about soap  🧼  
 I like this. Totally agree.  
 I try and post notes about the things im intrested in and my life in general. 
Thats the point of social media, to put yourself out there and make conections. 
 Can only make connections if someone interacts with the things you publish. Or if they even see it, at all, which they probably don't. 
 Whoa, The Church of Bitcoin sounds awesome! 🚀 I'm all for the good vibes and community. Let’s spread the love for Bitcoin together! 🙌💰 #BitcoinFam #CryptoCommunity 
 Humans are both individual entities AND part of a collaborative group driven by consensus.

Your experience mirrors this constant conflict and is probably overall a healthy situation.

There are always corners to be found online / offline where common dissenting voices can be heard.
 Not here, there aren't. 😅  
 I think this IS one of the corners, just not ALL the corners (not yet at least) 
 Any excuse for me to repost this lol:

 😅  Yeah, a bit of a mental prison, and I'm not good at caging my mind in. My thoughts meander to wherever they wish to meander. 

Accidental hypocrisy is still hypocrisy.

 well said and agreed 👍 
 Hmm…a smart, devout Catholic, black young women who seems to be a devoted wife and mother with a sense of humor and biting wit

…sista u are obviously dangerously toxic and must be dealt with🤔🤣🤣 
 For being one of the countries that tried to take over the world (or whatever the Hell actually happened in WWII), it sounds like Germany is awfully cucked now.

Just like Canada.

And Australia.

 Keep talking. Eventually someone would join the conversation. It may be too early for massive engagement. But maybe bring some of your friends who like to vibe with you on these topics and infuse more life into this corner of the field. 
 I tried. A few of them came over, but they quickly became bored and missed the others, so they only post sparingly or have left completely. 
 Network effects.

Its not that we have too many bitcoiners, its that bitcoiners hit critical mass and became self-sustaining as a community, with recruitment exceeding attrition.

I think permaculture has crossed that threshold on Nostr, too.

We need more small communities like this. 
 That's a good point as well. 

I'm doing my part I suppose. Hopefully more small communities grow here as well. 

The takeaway here is: Bring your friends!
 I think what I meant to say is the growing Nostr is not a technical problem to solve.

Its a political campaign to be won, and its the "ground game" of millions of conversations that will win it (and most of those on other media).

The technical side needs to "just work". New features are nice-to-have, but Nostr can win comfortably without them as long as it is stable and welcoming. 
 The current tech stack supresses some conversations and promotes others. It takes normal networking advantages and puts them on steroids.

It skews the content viewed more than the Twitter algos did. 
 I hear people say that a lot, but I don't experience it myself on Amethyst. 

My "Follows" looks noticably different to "Global" - less bitcoin, less spam, more nature photos. I still have content on topics I don't care about, but they're by people who other times post content I am interested in. 
 My feed is also good, but most npubs have clients front-loaded with accounts and feeds. They didn't organically decide what to read. 
 And, if you ask for OtherTopics, your feed will be extremely thin, as they only really have data for Bitcoin Twitterati and stuff.

I'm not on their map, nor are most of the people I follow. New people don't see most of the threads I'm seeing. 
 Makes sense. That's very much a client problem, and one that should be easy to fix using relay data.

My "minitru" could classify topics quite well, I suppose instead of filtering out bad/reported content we could try filtering in wanted/interacted content. 
 There's seems to be a massive curation hurdle, tho, as measuring what most people are looking at, would just give you variations of Primal's trending feed.

Most people see my selfies, as those trend for mysterious reasons, but they have no idea that I actually have any other topic and there's currently no effective way to signal that. 
 Interactions are the signal there, just as Kind-1984 was for filtering 
 If the client had an onboarding process involving a lot of swipe-left/swipe-right, would ppl do it? To train their minitru algorithm 
 I would so do that. 😂 
 We could have an option somewhere to re-train based on recent interactions, too 
 That would at least be very interesting as an experimental client, or an experimental option in a client. 
 It would be great or not so great, depending upon what was being served up to swipe. Could just quickly turn into another Primalatti circle-jerk, which we don't need to reinvent. 
 What I'm not keen on is centralised categorisation of topics. Obviously clients are doing it now and poorly, but it cannot be done well, for many reasons, and is also very susceptible to misuse for ideological / personal reasons. 
 nostr:nprofile1qqsr7acdvhf6we9fch94qwhpy0nza36e3tgrtkpku25ppuu80f69kfqpzamhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wd68ytnzv9hxgtcpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhszythwden5te0dehhxarj9emkjmn99uwrrtwk was just sharing about Nostrudel and designing your own algorithm based on interests. Maybe you can curate your own experience differently. I know months ago I did do some of that. It's hard for me to evaluate how well it's working but I definitely diversified my feed a bit. Now I feel like it needs a purge.  
 You, reported for hate speech? That's ridiculous. 
 I was always exonerated and had my account reinstated, but I'd be immediately re-reported and locked, as there is no punishment there for frivolous reporting. The process itself, is the punishment. 
 They love to weaponize their extremism and then continuously cry victim. You're the furthest thing from an extremist or hateful.

That's why nostr is important IMO. 
 You got reported for hate speech on twitter? People are crazy 😂
Nostr definitely fixes this 
 It feels good to be uncensored indeed 🔥