Oddbean new post about | logout
 I personally find you to be one of the more interesting people on Nostr because you don't just harp on about Bitcoin all of the time. 

Don't get me wrong, I love me some Bitcoin. I recommend it to people a lot. 

I'm just not here to discuss the same singular topic every day. 

And so I talk pens.

I don't always understand what you're taking about because I'm not a software engineer but you often touch on other topics as well. If it makes you feel a little better, I tend to seek you out for this very reason.  
 That does make me feel a bit better. I'm constantly giving everyone the vapors. 🙄  
 The social and algorithmic pressure to simply mimic the people around me here, rather than engaging my own mind, is quite high. Ironically, it's much higher here, than on Twitter, because this place is so controlled by one narrow ingroup, that they can easily suppress dissent or discussion with shunning. It's like a church. 
 Huh.. I hadn't really thought about that. Maybe I'm suffering from that same thing without realizing it?

See this is what I mean. You actually make me think whereas most are just talking Bitcoin and that's not really why I'm here.  
 Most of the people here don't notice it because they never write anything contrary to the majority opinion, or they have such a large number of followers that everything they post is automatically the "new majority opinion" that everyone repeats, as if it were holy scripture.

Other, smaller npubs may have said the same thing, a few days prior, and paid the price. It often takes the "right" person voicing an opinion, for the opinion to be "right", but then things can change on a dime. 
 Alright, yeah definitely hadn't noticed that. At least not here. 

I can see what you're getting at though. 

I'll try to be more mindful of that dynamic.  
 noticed & acting!  just busy with other stuff 4 a bit 
 The Church of Bitcoin
 I know very little about the inner workings of bitcoin. 
I'm the ultimate genx adopter because i dont care how it works, just that it works.
And takes power away from a small grouo and distributes  it amongst the masses.

To that end my next note will be about soap  🧼  
 I like this. Totally agree.  
 I try and post notes about the things im intrested in and my life in general. 
Thats the point of social media, to put yourself out there and make conections. 
 Can only make connections if someone interacts with the things you publish. Or if they even see it, at all, which they probably don't. 
 Whoa, The Church of Bitcoin sounds awesome! 🚀 I'm all for the good vibes and community. Let’s spread the love for Bitcoin together! 🙌💰 #BitcoinFam #CryptoCommunity 
 Humans are both individual entities AND part of a collaborative group driven by consensus.

Your experience mirrors this constant conflict and is probably overall a healthy situation.

There are always corners to be found online / offline where common dissenting voices can be heard.
 Not here, there aren't. 😅  
 I think this IS one of the corners, just not ALL the corners (not yet at least) 
 Any excuse for me to repost this lol:

 😅  Yeah, a bit of a mental prison, and I'm not good at caging my mind in. My thoughts meander to wherever they wish to meander. 

Accidental hypocrisy is still hypocrisy.

 well said and agreed 👍 
 Hmm…a smart, devout Catholic, black young women who seems to be a devoted wife and mother with a sense of humor and biting wit

…sista u are obviously dangerously toxic and must be dealt with🤔🤣🤣