I can smell fake Asians a mile away and that's a fake Asian. Probably actually a jew, based on 2, 14 and 15.
she lives in brooklyn and was probably raised there, typical ultraliberal american asian girl with no connection to the culture she claims she's defending https://i.poastcdn.org/1ef47f0b921fd268e0e39b734fc5b54ebd8bd76b51bb350eb27871c40519f684.png
@d typical baizuo @Caek Islove 🍰 💖
@d @Caek Islove 🍰 💖 that meal is probably $70
@d @Caek Islove 🍰 💖 also don't tell her who owns all of those immigrant restaurants
Asian Americans are the absolute fucking worst. "Oh I'm so oppressed because people assume I am good at math and know Karate!" 🙄
Must be nice, I wish everyone assumed I was good at math and knew karate. Instead they assume I don't like black people and don't use spices in my food. Only one of those things is true, goddammit. https://i.poastcdn.org/9e72b596dedeec5ecca907ecf32704ec897cd4b285621a310d8009ba315178c9.jpg
why don't you spice your food tho? ;p
@Caek Islove 🍰 💖 @d asian americans have secret scrolls like jews have a secret jew gold pouch
worthless woman
redundant statement
Truly, an honorary white woman (not in a good way)
Ok. Where is her White bf?
holding the camera
Those still seem somewhat plausible to me. Like with the last one, if you didn't know any better you'd think that someone like Oppenheimer is just another White guy who helped kill a bunch of Japanese. But then you learn he's not, he's a Jew, but you still think WN think "how awesome, he fried a bunch of Japs!" Then you'd naturally conclude that "oh, they only claim Jews when they kill Asians" or something like that.