she lives in brooklyn and was probably raised there, typical ultraliberal american asian girl with no connection to the culture she claims she's defending
@d typical baizuo @Caek Islove 🍰 💖
@d @Caek Islove 🍰 💖 that meal is probably $70
@d @Caek Islove 🍰 💖 also don't tell her who owns all of those immigrant restaurants
Asian Americans are the absolute fucking worst. "Oh I'm so oppressed because people assume I am good at math and know Karate!" 🙄
Must be nice, I wish everyone assumed I was good at math and knew karate. Instead they assume I don't like black people and don't use spices in my food. Only one of those things is true, goddammit.
why don't you spice your food tho? ;p
@Caek Islove 🍰 💖 @d asian americans have secret scrolls like jews have a secret jew gold pouch
worthless woman
redundant statement
Truly, an honorary white woman (not in a good way)
Ok. Where is her White bf?
holding the camera