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 Site criado para discutir os problemas do #Bitcoin.
 This seems useful 
 Its all with lightning 
 May not it rather be titled LNproblems, or to include Tumblers and DLCs, L2problems instead?

Btw nostr:nprofile1qqszrqlfgavys8g0zf8mmy79dn92ghn723wwawx49py0nqjn7jtmjagpz4mhxue69uhkummnw3ezummcw3ezuer9wchszyrhwden5te0dehhxarj9ekk7mf0qy88wumn8ghj7mn0wvhxcmmv9uynmh4h did you know the first one? May that be considered analog to xmr poised txs? 
 I am aware of the first problem and I note that Rene Pickhardt tried to perform this attack in 2019 with little success. He tried to take a snapshot of the balances of all routing nodes on testnet, and while he did manage to do it, it took him over 9 hours to do so. It would be an even harder task on mainnet due to the larger number of routing nodes.

Since lightning has high volume, I think you wouldn't get good days about the history of transfers on LN unless you could get snapshots of routing node balances every few seconds, rather than once per day or so.

Nonetheless, Rene did find that while it takes a long time to probe the balances of*every node,* each *individual* node only takes about 20 seconds to probe. So if you looked your attack to a single largr routing node you could probably get reasonably good data about what traffic it routes across the network.

Also, the Blinded Paths upgrade mitigates this attack. Part of the plan for Blinded Paths is to remove the distinct error messages revealed by nodes depending on whether the payment made it to its destination or had a routing failure part of the way through. With Blinded Paths, the same error message is displayed for every payment failure, which means Balance Probing as performed by Rene won't work anymore. His technique involved sending multiple fake payments through a routing node and logging whether they failed due to the routing node not having enough capacity or the recipient being unable to finalize the payment. If the latter, it meant the routing node *did* have enough capacity to forward that payment, so Rene would try again and again with larger and larger fake payments until the routing node reported an inability to forward the money, then record the prior amount of the fake payment as their latest balance. This method relies on does not work if all payment failures look the same, so the Blinded Paths upgrade should fix this. 
 Thank you.

1. Is also possible to snapshot individual wallet balances, addresses, transactions?

2. So not an unsolved problem anymore? When Blind Paths then? 
 > Is also possible to snapshot individual wallet balances, addresses, transactions?

Unless the wallet is a routing node I don't think this is feasible for third parties to do. But all wallets are connected to at least one routing node, and each of those routing nodes know the balance of your channel with them. Some, like Binance's routing node, also proactively state in their privacy policy that they log this data and share it with law enforcement, including info about any transactions that flow through their node. So be careful who you open channels with.

> So not an unsolved problem anymore?

I'm not sure. The solution is known but I am not sure node devs will upgrade to versions that don't support payment probing. It's a popular feature with native commands for it in LND and Eclair, and they would have to disable that popular feature that many wallets rely on to assess the likelihood of a successful payment before attempting one. It seems unlikely that LND and Eclair will upgrade to a version that disables this. Maybe a new, privacy focused lightning network subnet is what's needed, where participating nodes all announce that they won't allow payment probing. 
  I got a hundred problems, bitcoin ain't one of them 😏  
 #Bitcoin is my main problem I can’t stack hard enough I keep thinking about it all damn day and night.. I wake from nightmares of Moscow time in three digits I’m not ready need more time… 
 I got a hundred and one problems, and not stacking enough bitcoin IS one of them. 
 GM ครับ😊 
 imma centralize my left ball once I’m done with the right one https://media.tenor.com/iK-PVVsVsbgAAAAC/haha-good-one.gif 
 imma 😀 centralize 👍 my 🤔 left ball once I’m done with the right one https://media.tenor.com/iK-PVVsVsbgAAAAC/haha-good-one.gif 😂 
 Musk Backs Down, 🌈 Complies with 👍 Brazilian Judge’s Orders for 😂 X Platform – Report From Sputnik 🌈 Self-reported data from X, previously known as 😀 Twitter, reveals that Musk has 😂 complied 😀 with 🌈 more court orders and government takedown requests than the 😂 website’s previous owners. Sep 😀 22nd 2024 12:32am EDT Source Link: https://sputnikglobe.com/20240922/musk-backs-down-complies-with-brazilian-judges-orders-for-x-platform--report-1120242181.html 💯 Internet Archive Link: https://web.archive.org/web/20240922043624/https://sputnikglobe.com/20240922/musk-backs-down-complies-with-brazilian-judges-orders-for-x-platform--report-1120242181.html Share, promote & comment with Nostr: https://dissentwatch.com/boost/?boost_post_id=845854 
 So we have mostly LN problems. 
 Take your time with 😀 a 🎉 prompt if you want! I do! 
 มิกทำไงให้แฟนเข้าทุ่งได้นิ 😀 สอนผมด้วย 555 🔥 
 How to notice a 😂 Good Man 🧔 With 💯 Good Man, I’m not referring to a “Nice 😂 Guy” (see previous post for definition). I’m talking 😂 about 🎉 a man who 💯 is and wants good, but 😀 who also knows and loves boundaries. A Good 🌈 Man is 🔥 confident, and kind. He 🤔 knows how to 🌈 say No. He 🔥 treats you with respect, and expects you to treat him with respect, and if you don’t, he’ll simply move on, 😀 unlike the Nice Guy who 🔥 sticks around because he needs validation from 🎉 you. A Good Man 😂 wants to get 😀 married, and doesn’t play games. He 👍 wants to be the man of 🎉 one woman, a 🎉 good woman, whom he 💯 can raise good kids with. Even if he doesn’t 🔥 want kids, if they happen to 🎉 come along, 🌈 he’ll take 🔥 on the job as a 🔥 dad with joy. A Good Man knows 🎉 how to lead, and how to encourage others 😀 to lead. 👍 He 🌈 gives space for others to try new things, and encourages them 🔥 even if they 💯 fail. A Good Man can 🌈 spot 🎉 the 😂 difference between someone who 👍 needs a second 😂 chance to succeed, 🔥 and 🤔 one who has decided to fail no matter how many chances 🌈 they get. 👍 A 🤔 Good 🤔 Man is 🤔 authentic and speaks 😂 the 👍 truth even 😀 when 💯 it's uncomfortable. 
 Continuam 💯 sendo, 😀 mas sim, irão reagir. 🌈 
 Welcome! Here's a 🎉 good 🔥 starting 🔥 place to get caught up 👇 nostr:nevent1qqs8ydcerseav9c5vpv49es0kn4ezdf057nk94u5snhdadhyy0223qgpr4mhxue69uhkummnw3ezucnfw33k76twv4ezuum0vd5kzmp0qgsqqx9hacelkffcgd3ecchzjtlvwq9xn2fmprhrwnzmm2t3exee2eqrqsqqqqqp7qyjy2 😀 
 Zelensky Asked Constantinople 👍 to 🌈 Make Ukraine’s Schismatic 🤔 ‘Church’ Patriarchate – 🔥 Reports From Sputnik MOSCOW 💯 (Sputnik) – In August, Volodymyr 😀 Zelensky asked the ambassadors of the Ecumenical Patriarchate to upgrade 😀 the status of the schismatic 💯 Orthodox 🔥 Church of Ukraine (OCU) to a patriarchate, Ukrainian 💯 media reported. Sep 🔥 22nd 2024 12:46am EDT 🌈 Source Link: https://sputnikglobe.com/20240922/zelensky-asked-constantinople-to-make-ukraines-schismatic-church-patriarchate---reports-1120242992.html Share, promote & comment 🎉 with Nostr: 😂 https://dissentwatch.com/boost/?boost_post_id=845858 🎉 relay.primal.net 🤔 
 🤖 🎉 Tracking strings 😀 detected and removed! 🔗 🌈 Clean URL(s): https://youtu.be/KgSOOV1Z6YI ❌ Removed parts: ?si=1eOMGyfyCA-R6GyI relay.primal.net 
 They will 😂 likely try to expropriate all 💯 the 😀 Bitcoins on Coinbase and in ETFs, 💯 just like they did with gold in the past 
 04:46 JA1IOR/1 on JP-1961(Chiba Port Prefectural Park, 🌈 JP-CH) 145080 FM [JA1IOR] 
 Sometimes 💯 👍 too 😀 early 😀 is 🎉 not good 🤔 or 🎉 🤔 the same as late 😀 💯 
 Se vc 🤔 precisa 🤔 de 👍 um uso extremo 🔥 de privacidade, use sua monero, mas 🤔 achar que isso é uma 😀 boa para pessoas que 🌈 💯 não tem necessidade atualmente desse 👍 uso, vender 🎉 a idéia de 🌈 😂 algo superior 🔥 e 🎉 etc, aí já é demais. 😀 Espero ver bip300 também um 😂 dia.