Starting to wonder whether no matter how red-pilled I think I am, I really only barely understand the faint outlines of the fraud, that I can’t even come close to wrappig my mind around the scale of it. How many seemingly empty businesses that last for years are money laundering? How many PhDs are doing pay for play research to further some agenda? The medical system is as big a money-laundering scheme as the military industrial one, maybe bigger. How much of modern medicine even works? Doctors are just big Pharma employees, hospital chains are just money-laundering of taxpayer money via medicare and medicaid. Only a small percentage of people are doing real work that adds actual value. It’s fraud upon fraud upon fraud.
Market top?
It's a small percentage that do the fraudulent stuff, but they can do a lot of damage. Most people are good and want to do good things. The problem is most people are dumb and can be tricked into supporting the fraudulent things. Critical thinkers are rare.
think that's right, but there's a fine line between going along with incentives uncritically and being complicit.
Fix the money fix the world. Proper incentives will turn things around. #bitcoin
And don't forget to add in David Graeber's Bullshit Jobs...whilst they may not be indicative of corruption, they definitely point to the non-value added, uselessness of modern work. All this to say, hug your trash collector, the person who built your house, those who grow your food, etc
yeah but their fraud is regulated and licensed. 😉
It’s a bad thing 😕
You go in with a sore throat and get out with a sore ass!!! "BUt hOw elSe I'mA gOnNa pAy fOr mY 250k mEdIcAl sChOol sTuDEnt lOaNs wiThOut chARgiNg yOu uP tHe aSs wItH eXpEnSiVe oPeraTiOnS exAmiNaTiOns prOceDurEs aNd prEscRiPtiOns?!?!"
It makes me sick how deep the fraud goes. We don't just need a phase shift we need an all out re build of every system in this counrty
I don't think we even realize how deep.
Nope, we're all guessing and tying the leads together but the fact is the corruption and psy-op campaign is deeper than we can comprehend