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 It is genuinely hilarious how anti-French my French co-worker is.

He fucking hates it when people try to speak French at him.  
 He comes to the back of the kitchen angry and says in his extremely thick accent: "Some stupid cow kept trying to speak to me in French. I told her I am American!" 😂 
 I’ve been told by a French native not to speak French because my accent is horrible. That native’s English is pathetic, but I don’t tell that native not to speak English. WTF? 
 I’ve heard this is kinda common from French folks https://image.nostr.build/d4c7b69be91badd6c4d62c2115f0fa4c334487ad1f836ac46c8da4120f1e181d.jpg  
 Russian might get you in trouble with Eastern block countries. Who could blame them… 
 So accurate 👌 
 This is so accurate 🤣 
 "The French don't care what they do actually, as long as they pronounce it properly."

-Professor Henry Higgins

 I told them I’m Korean 😌 
 As a French man, it's not something you'd put on a resume in hopes to score diversity points. Our people are known for there cowardice and surrender, our politicians are terrible and Godless. The one time we could look at in history as having some sort of pride, the man who commanded us wasn't even french, we had to import an italian. Literally any sort of vanity that you can imagine started in france. My cop out is that my family is culturally basque and now american, but nobody in there right mind thinks, "damn, im so glad im french". 
 And people wonder why I tend to not like "The French."  
 Hanging out with my French coworkers, I've learned reliably that no one hates French as passionately as the other French people.