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 TLDR: I am labeled “antisemitic conspiracy theorist” & “woke”.

This is how strong & effective the propaganda, mind-control, brain washing machine is:

I am Jewish, Israeli. Granddaughter to holocaust survivors. My roots are both from Europe & Africa. My grandparents immigrated to Israel after WW2 with the hope to find a safe haven. 

While I honor my heritage, I also boldly expose lies told to my ancestors, and Israeli/jewish society as a whole. 

I am a dissident voice to the government & state, and I care about human lives of Israelis & neighbors. 
I criticize the government & state, and point out how they steal from citizens, violate rights, exercise their monopoly on violence, and cause harms to innocent people who just want to live quietly and safely. I dare to also ask questions, research & speculate about the broader sets of interests & global powers driving this. 

For that, I am being labeled “antisemitic conspiracy theorist” & “woke”. 
Following that “logic”, my views risk all Jewish people in Israel & around the world. My views are “threat to Jewish lives” - because I say that the Israeli government does not have the best interest of the people, and is not really protecting them.

Propaganda 101. 
The easiest scare tactic, and silencing method. 

 Efrat eres una Valiente y tienes toda mi admiración 🙏🍀💚
 when they resort to pejoratives as the primary substance of their arguments, you know they are lying. 
 All we need now is evidence that insiders had prior knowledge of events and traded accordingly...oh wait 
 Yes and much more. I should share it.. no time now 
 ...yet more and more people don't believe their narratives. 
 As everything is upside down  the opposite is true. They throw with those words out of fear.
Luckily more and more people are seeing this and thanks to people like you more and more will see 🙏 
 Stand strong Efrat, you are a bright light in a sea of deceit. 
As the old cliche goes; "when you're taking flak, it's because you're over the target". 
 Current times requires the most courage from men and women, only the ones who can stand their values strongly can survive and remain humans. We must learn from the past and do not repeat it.
P.S. We are all conspiracy theorist you are not alone 😅 
 You are doing Gods work!  I love it and I love listening to the TRUTH!!  Rock on  
 You don’t strike me as “woke” but I’m guessing you’re more influential than whatever douche wrote article. 
 You're doing what most of us can/ won't & I'm impressed that you speak out as you do. 

Try not to take it personally. 

The Israeli government is endangering the Israelis & reignitimg the victim/fear in them. You're trying to break the fear/victim pattern as far as I can see. 

Keep following your intuition. 
 Thank you 🙏🏻 yes that’s what I am doing. Not trying :) actually doing 🙏🏻🧡 
 As someone with a Jewish mother but zero connection to the Jewish people (by my choice), my view is that Jews need to spend about 500 years acting like normal people and quit trying to dance with the elite in every country they go to. Like the worst kind of mob bosses, the Zionists (political, secular Jews) meddle and create trouble for the Jewish people everywhere. And for what? Some deal with the devil to bring the kingdoms of the earth under Jerusalem's rule? This certainly seems to be Bibi's desire. It's getting a lot of people killed, and that's evil. 
 Never a truer word said. Thank you for your honesty and courage in saying this. The overwhelmingly disproportionate Jewish control of banking (& central banking), the mainstream media, Hollywood and big Pharma is deeply concerning for anyone with the eyes to see, especially with what has transpired in the last few years. 
 It should be clear, though, that whatever Jews are exerting disproportionate control over any industry, they are not God-fearing Jews, and have already opened themselves up to God's jusgement as we see repeatedly in the Scriptures. It is also interesting that many of them are Ashnekazi Jews, who are not actually ethnic Jews, a fact revealed a few years back by a major DNA report. The rabbis went nuts, but they couldn't refute it. 
 My primary concern, William, is that the Talmud clearly states, as repeated and instructed by the Rabbis, that the non-Jew ‘goyim’ are merely cattle, who exist solely to serve Jews. 
This xenophobic and racist view, coupled with the political, economic and cultural power Jews wield, should concern anyone who wants to live a life of peace, harmony and freedom. 
 The Talmud isn't Scripture. The Old Testament does not take this view. It teaches that it is through the Jewish people that the rest of the world is to come to know and be blessed by God. Failure to do so is for this reason that the Jews are repeatedly judged in their own Scriptures and why they'd rather reference the Talmud. 
 Lying press at it's best. Keep going, you are fantastic! 🤎 
 This has little credibility as you continue to live on stolen land and reap the fruits of stolen money funnelled to israel as foriegn aid. 

For me, woke and warmonger, dem and republican, pro israel jew or self hating jew are two sides of the same coin as truth lies elsewhere.

 I bet the Mossad has a vast room full of people writing this BS on social media. 
 Keep speaking truth to power. 
 You're doing amazing and important work. Keep it up! 
 If ANYONE  tweeting ANYTHING can cause "Damage" to your nation that can't be overstated, then your nation is pretty frail, or maybe just over sensitive to criticism..?
 Lots of tribal reactions, both in that article and in the thread under Efrat's post. If you're part of the tribe you agree, and disagree with any argument outside it. Sorry to be so rude but I would love to see a bit more thinking going on, regardless of the outcome. 
 Juste un être humain avec une conscience tout simplement  
 Dans notre société actuelle il n'est même plus possible de vivre sans être étiquette  et c'est fort stupide  
 Thank you for your enormous  courage in publicly questioning the inconsistencies of events of October 7th. I can’t imagine how brave you must be to do this within Israel. 🙏🏻 
 Thing is you put the blame of Oct 7th solely on the Israeli government. "To me this suprise attack seems like a planned operation." [sic]

You may be right that there is a blame to put on the government, but your zealotry against the current government, like the rest of the leftists and, I assume, idealistic view that we can have peace with Palestinians, leaves you blind and omit yourself from also pointing fingers to the real culprits of the massacre that happened that damned day.


Not a single word of condemnation, even a single line. Especially when the blog was written so recently to the event. Just dry facts.

Do you see why you get the hatred? Granted you'd get it anyway from the extreme right wing people, but now you'll justifiably also get it from moderates, and hopefully moderate leftists whose dreams of actual peace have been shattered. 

Don't take this post to mean, that I don't want criticism of the government, far from it. I just want you to understand why people hurl scathing remarks at you. 
 You base your long judgemental answer about me on 1 post?? Seriously? Have you seen all my work on the topic? That is quite superficial. Go watch all the videos I made and everything I write and then see if I did not criticize hamas. In what world would I not criticize the terrorists who performed atrocities? You’re very wrong about my stand - simply cuz you’re uninformed - and quick to judge. Again, using nice silly labels such as “leftist” etc. 
 Love your courage to tell the truth