Oddbean new post about | logout
 Nah I’m not taking more than 1 day rest (unless I’m pain). And even on rest day I will get in a 30 to 45 min walk.
If I rest 2 days, it starts getting hard going back in routine 
 You need to rest or your body will start break down actual muscle for energy. And at some point you’ll get depressed too. You can’t brute force health brother. 
 Oh nah w mixing it up, it’s not just weights. Even weights it’s light but but additional number of reps.
It’s 2-3 days and then 1 day rest. There’s leg days, cycling, elliptical, jogging, swimming. It’s 2 variations per training day. I’m not trying to get big. Even my diet is well rounded.
My diet and routine had to be this way or I will bore out 
 Good luck with that! 
 I’m three months in, I’ll take a few days off soon enough