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 Also, in my other recent note I pointed out the evil of complicating things. Kill the dollar (i.e. also all fiat) is a clear message. But when you add "we also hate royal hats", it complicates and confuses things. So yes, it is not only unimportant, it is evil. 
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 Yes pointing out that peoples perceived legitimacy of a monarch is what gives them their power is just not the message you want to hear right now. So I guess a straw man of royal hats being my biggest issue here is a better way to go. Oh how evil I am.  
 Well, that's how one makes his enemies. You tell a person what you do not like in his message, and he might thank you one day. Tell him that his message is rubish and so is his hat, and wife looks like ass, and his king and pope look like clouns - 99% you produced an enemy for yourself. 
 So sort of like calling somebody young and lost in a debate with them. You wouldnt know anything about that now would you?  
 Sorry if that appeares offensive, but I did not mean it that way. I do not find young or lost offensive, it is rather an acknowledgement that I have been in those stages myself. Thank god I never was a communist. This one is a straight calling out of an enemy type.
We are both anonymous. Is it wrong to try guessing something about one another in a not insulting manner? Note that in the same messages I also appreciated our discussion. I really do. I wish there were more people engaging in honest discussions like we do here now. We both learn something, and the readers do. Everybody wins.
On the other hand, it is insulting to point finger at hat and thrown that the man was born into. He did not invent them. And in any recent times he has not even used those things to oppress anyone. I am quite sure it would not work in present time even if he tried to. We assume they were used for evil purposes in the past as you describe, but not by this king, not by all kings, and these assumptions are based only on history books that we do not know if they are true. So when we really come to the verge of submitting ourselves to the mercy of this king, then it makes sense to shake his hat and throne and gold really well. Now he is just another old man bumbling something that nobody including PM is obliged to listen to.
If I was a normie royalist I would call you racist for doing this. You are pointing at stuff he was born into and saying that that makes him dangerous. Same thing is calling somebody a negro and saying you do not believe his sincere concern in you because you know that biologically there are stronger muscles under black skin and that makes him dangerous to you. Sorry for harsh comparison, but that is how paranoid normies think, I believe. 
 Bro if you can't see a king sitting on a throne in a room of gold with an expensive hat on bemoaning the rising costs for his people as ridiculous I'm sorry. You can pontificate on how that came to be and call people commies for pointing out the absurdity of it but it doesnt change the absurdity.  Your first response to me was I sound like a commie. So dont act like ad hominems are what youre really upset about. You were defending monarchy as if nobody on nostr has read Hoppe or something.  
 I haven't read Hoppe. I will look into it. 
I did not call you a commie at once, did I? Just a friendly note that your message sounds like one. And it does. I grew up in a commieland surrounded with fairytales making fun of monarchies and blaming it for whatever real and not problems, with news not much different from the fairytales. All while pretending to be as poor as me. So I really am alergic to the deviation of focus strategy, yes. 
 I'll admit, that video of the king seemed funny :), but what do I know, I never had a king. Maybe it is not funny for those that did or do. 
 Actually, I just realized we have "democratic" clouns in here, and they are not even acknowledging the rising costs. They literally claim life is better than ever now here.  
 If I announced all the things that look funny to me, the USA democratic court would put me behind bars for 10k years for violation of stupid tolerastic rules they use for dividing people over there. I am being frank enough here on Nostr already. 
 The US is no exception in embarrassing statist bullshit they carryout to try maintain their legitimacy to the populace. Of course I'm sure I could come up with some rationale as to why they do what they do and how I'd upset Americans by calling our leaders clowns. But I find telling the truth to be too tempting.  
 Tempting - yes, me too. But I am also an old coldblooded proffessional (and successful) manipulator of people. The math of this side of me tells me that:
1. Nobody is perfect
2. Let's say the size of shortfalls of person A is x, and person B - 10x. If I want to publicize shortfalls, and want the masses to perceive them objectively, I have to publicize person B's shortfalls 10 times before I can mention person A's once.
That is just me. Not everyone has to be like me. Then it is great when different people like you and me discuss their differences. That is fun, and that is how we pick up new info and perspectives. Hoppe is an interesting discovery for me, I will definitely read his book. 
 Sorry to engage you in a tough discussion. It is just so refreshing to me to reason with someone, because everybody in the physical world around me are so beyond dumb, it has been too lonely for too long.