I have thoughts on the risks and rewards of ossifying Bitcoin. A lot of thoughts. I've tried to lay them all out in my latest post. https://blog.lopp.net/on-ossification/
Are you not pro heat death of the universe? If it's where we're headed anyway, shouldn't we just accelerate that for the good of all?
A good idea becomes a bad idea the moment you come up with a better idea. If the change is good from the perspective that decentralization and security remains consistent, and it further enables usability and feedom without pricing out the poor, then consensus will come. It will flock to it.
I think this was a very fair and balanced piece. I will tell you that anytime we have this discussion at the Vegas Bitcoiner Meetup, the "protecting against unintended consequences" is usually always the point that resonates with people and scares them the most. They quickly jump to Taproot and everything that came out of it. I'd say the "maintaining Bitcoin's function as sound money" usually runs neck and neck or a very close second. I can't recall ever hearing any of the other three, or they were phrased in such a way I didn't make the connection.
Nice writeup. Which BIP do you want to see at the forefront of discussion?