I'd say as someone who tried pure keto (strict keto — no sugar, carbs) with intermittent fasting for almost 2 years, it did wonders. However, it was hard to sustain and ended up binge-eating refined sugar as a result of restrain. In the end, I introduced cheat days so I do not need to do binge-sugar craving. If all your life, you have been eating refined sugar, it can be challenging and isolating considering the food industry introduce sugar in some shape or form in our food. I'd say balancing it is the key. Rooting for you! ✌️👏💯
It is good to hear this worked for you. And also good for me to hear that sugar was the binge craving. Because I haven't craved sugar since I was 5 years old. I hate sweet tastes. Always did. But I do love bread... :-/