Oddbean new post about | logout
 Anecdotal news clips are not actual scientific data.
 But you are on the other hand a moron 
 Oh wow, well what a way to refute facts, logic and observed reality.  

What do you call a person who believes billionaires who say the sea level is rising and will destroy all costal cities who also buy massive beach front houses?

You apparently call him Hans.  
 Hans, I think I got comments out of order and I apologize.   
 Some clients are woeful at ordering posts / notes. 
 One of the reasons I miss forums with their static & in sequence threads. 
 Yes. I understood that! 👍🏻 
 But youtube clips are?  😂  
 Look at the content, that's what matters. What you presented was nothing but vacuous claims. What I provided clearly and concisely summarizes the scientific data which is irrefutable unless you have even stronger evidence against it. 
 How does it feel to be brainwashed? 
 Are you playing with the cultists again Jack? 😂