Galen didn’t do anything with nuclear weapons. His work is with nuclear energy. This lecture is about how the public has been lied to about nuclear material and radiation by “industry” so that they can write all their own rules about it.
If you read Death Object, the argument is that the public has been lied to about the weapons potential about this technology for the exact same reason.
Means + motive + opportunity
Means = the Rockefellers were the richest family in America, and had bought up a lot of academia, including founding the University of Chicago for example, and they had mobilized war time spending to boot
Motive = prevent nuclear energy from impacting the profits from their global cartel on petroleum
Opportunity = during wartime, they could pull off the spending, the propaganda, everything, with impunity
The Atomic Secrecy Act of 1946 made it so that, if I had smoking gun proof that nuclear weapons don’t work, if I had the math in my hand, it would be a classified government secret from the moment it was written down. Anyone could be arrested without trial for even studying through math and physics the possibility that nukes are a hoax.