Can't afford our $50-60 AUD packet of cigarettes? Then try out our vapes. Affordable if you don't get caught! 😑 Even then a massive rip off too because the Govt set the price float most likely by importing them all in from NZ when giving out prescription vapes. I can't afford $156,500 so it looks like I'll be spending a year in prison for choosing to vape mango and grape liquids?! Gotta love to HATE it. Ironic that these 4 vapes were all bought from my one of my two local milkbars. (see: cornershop or bodegas). Even got one at the Bush Bash 4 hours out of melbourne! These things are terrible for me but let me quit on my own time please! Jesus. I fear for the first person to be made an 'example' out of by the state. Yet a pack of 20 cigarettes from Japan is 130-200 Yen.. so under $3 usually. In Australia people are paying over $50 easily for a pack of 25.
They claim that it is to prevent vapes and the fruity flavours being attractive to children yet the fruity alcohol flavours get a pass. Alcohol has been proven with government statistics to cause more health and social issues over vaping. Such a larp!
A 15 year old was arrested recently. Video in this article:
ffs!!! off go the jacks to fulfill the dictatorships laws. This is just mental police state again in VIC after Dictator Dan. Does the article mention where/which State this happened in? God it's disgusting.
That was in NSW. They haven’t even cracked down yet which they will because this is driven by the government wanting to protect tobacco taxation. They’ll make examples of some randoms on the street vaping and raid some shops and you watch everyone fold like a cheap suit to the dictate of daddy government
Yet I've got a medicinal license to 'vape' my medicinal cannabis. Contains the Propelene Glycol and Vegetable Glycerine all major vapes are known for containing too. Ridiculous. Not that I don't want to quit nicotine, but I tend to do best at that game when I'm not forced to go cold turkey... Saddens me that the cops feel the need to use force on a 13yo too. Weak as.