Can't afford our $50-60 AUD packet of cigarettes? Then try out our vapes. Affordable if you don't get caught! 😑 Even then a massive rip off too because the Govt set the price float most likely by importing them all in from NZ when giving out prescription vapes.
I can't afford $156,500 so it looks like I'll be spending a year in prison for choosing to vape mango and grape liquids?! Gotta love to HATE it.
Ironic that these 4 vapes were all bought from my one of my two local milkbars. (see: cornershop or bodegas). Even got one at the Bush Bash 4 hours out of melbourne! These things are terrible for me but let me quit on my own time please! Jesus. I fear for the first person to be made an 'example' out of by the state.
Yet a pack of 20 cigarettes from Japan is 130-200 Yen.. so under $3 usually. In Australia people are paying over $50 easily for a pack of 25.