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 Can retail buy MSTX? 
 What is that? 
 Levered Long MSTR 
 Ohh gotcha. Sounds like a safe bet lol 
 Haha for when you want to responsibly degen 
 Hahaha I degen this morning betting on 100k before the year ends. I think I got it lol 
 Easy sats 
 That’s what I thought too bro. 7X payout lol 
 👀 get that money bro 
 Looks too easy but I only did a little bit for the heck of it 😂 

 Damn might need to get on that 
 Sent u a link lol 
 Yes but MSTU is 2x vs 1.75x and has a lower expense ratio. (1.28% vs1.05%)
Hold on to your pants with this one.  Extreme Volatility means:
Do not use margin.  
Do not forget to set multiple stops (trailing stop)
Pay attention to your NAV decay. 

Day trade and do not hold overnight. 
 Why not just hold it the same way you would MSTR? 
 Honestly, if you’re okay with the swing and you trust the underlying asset, you totally can. 
Firstly, Im a huge MSTR fan and irresponsibly over invested in it but it trades at ~2.4x bitcoin. 
A black swan event, would drop that multiple to well below 1:1 rather quickly. 
If you were holding MSTU during one of these events, we’re talking about a +90% drawdown.  
The fund would become insolvent and you’d lose it all. 
 No risk it no biscuit as they say 😂