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 Only at the equator. That would happen only at the equator. 
And why would it be hard to believe? You feel nothing in a high speed train traveling at maximum speed in a straight line without acceleration, but the moment it crashes against the wall or it "suddenly stops" you become either mashed potatoes or a flying missile. 
What is so hard to believe about this?  
 *Up to*

Because when I am sitting still on a floor, I am objectively not moving despite what fictional space agencies suggest. Feel free to try and reconcile that belief in your head man. It's totally ridiculous to me though. 
 This is the same as saying "this can't be true because I don't believe it's true". 
You are wasting everyone's time with this kind of nonsense. 
Get serious.  
 You're telling me I need to get serious while holding such a belief? LOL

No one is forcing you to read or respond to my thoughts. 
 Then tell me what would happen in the scenario that I described. 
Do you expect to survive in that train?  
 You're presupposing that we're moving in the first place, even though it cannot be observed or felt, buying into convoluted theories that it's relative from a guy who stole his "work" from other people. It's all just an "illusion" according to them.

It's all an amazingly fantastic idea that was placed in our heads and rationalised through years of programming, and I completely reject it. The only time we ever feel anything is when the earth moves beneath our feet via an earthquake or tremor. Everything is else theoretical bullshit that I no longer subscribe. 
 It cannot be felt but it can be observed. 
We already went through this.  
 You're wasting your time here. I spent 38 years of my life believing in the same thing that you and most people continue to believe, and I'm done with that until some solid answers are provided. And these aren't the questions I'm asking. In fact, I'm not asking any questions here.

It's very simple. Let some flat earthers go to Antarctica and freely explore to put this all to bed. They will never allow that, so we're at an impasse of ideological beliefs.  
 Solid answer: Foucault Pendulum. 
Conclusion: can be observed.  
 Have you ever closed your eyes inside a car or train and not been able to feel the movement of it?
Have you ever woken up inside an airplane and not immediately known whether you were moving or still?

I personally lack the ability to tell whether or not I'm moving via some direct sense and have to rely on looking and listening

I do have a sense of acceleration and deceleration (thanks to tiny hairs inside my ears) but not a sense of objective movement 
 That's why the becomes a theoretical discussion of "it only appears that objects move around us but it's just an illusions and here's why". There is no exclusive evidence the earth orbits the sun or moves; interferometric experiments disproved this assertion and then along came the laughable 'science' that is relativity, dark matter and dark energy, which is what led people to hold such preposterous ideas so close to their hearts without understanding how convoluted their suggestions are under the illusion that they are somehow brilliant.

I don't believe in the ever changing big bang theory, or evolution and its missing links, or abiogenesis (which has been sufficiently proven to be rubbish research by James Tour by going through the chemisty aspects, in detail), or climate change, or space aliens. All lies from the same people who brought us the moon landings, I spent my entire life believing it and I no longer do. 
 I agree with you on some points but not others

I don't think everything in western science is baseless, just everything since the war 
 Not everything, but most of it is mathematically obfuscated theoretical nonsense with a bunch of actors pretending like these things are certainties. In reality, they can’t even explain or define gravity, and relativity ended up at dark matter… which, when you understand the implications, is pretty fucking disastrous for them and their model of lies. 
 In other words, you're not buying into the official narrative that we are told to believe without question because it fits with our current understanding of physics. What do you think about the idea of alternative theories such as those proposed by Einstein himself? 
 False. "Interferometric experiments" didn't disprove anything. 
You can observe directly with your own eyes Earth's rotation by looking at a Foucault pendulum. 

We’ve been down this road, and from what I remember:

“Brian cox is a moron”, that glober was clueless, the scientists conducting that variation of the experiment were just doing it for funding, and Witsit doesn’t know what he’s talking about. You just dismiss anyone who doesn’t line up with your view, even if they agree with you apparently.

You keep believing this proves anything, and ignoring why relativity exists, it’s really no skin off my back. If this is the best evidence the hundreds of billions that these “experts” can present, then no wonder it bothers you so much.