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jack | 12 days ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +126
 Ok. So it's SimpleX then. 
 It indeed is a problem. 

Signal has a people problem.

 At least on Android we have reproducible builds. It‘s mainly on iOS where we need to trust app store binaries :/

 Indeed… it always links back to the Apple monopoly. Only if we had an open-source iPhone. 😢 
 Yeah. At least for Android we have https://lineageos.org 
 The people who make an open-source iOS-like experience will go down in history. Square certainly has the UX taste required, but I just wish we had something beyond an Android base to work with.

Wish there were a way to reuse existing Swift iOS apps in a new open-source operating system… maybe a Unix-based OS (Darwin) as the foundation, like iOS’s. 
 Even if it started as an expensive, luxury freedom phone for the wealthy class… that’s how Tesla started, built great branding from the luxury pricing, then trickled down into the cheaper/wider market later on. 
 You always gotta capture the smaller market first. A Bitcoin/Nostr community focused phone working on an iOS-like experience would be killer… *cough cough* 
 One thing leads to another… 
 SimpleX it is then. 
 I'm hoping, quite optimistically, that the recent attempt at bringing end-to-end encryption to the protocol means that Nostr can potentially become an alternative 
 Interesting. That’s why we need to focus on trajectory and not on a single point of reference. 
 Reads like a smear piece. 
 It really does look like a hit piece. According to the article logic, we shouldn't trust TCP/IP because we already know it was a product of ARPA.

The "trustworthiness" is misdirection when, really, we only need to scrutinize the code. 
 agreed. this announcement seems more worrying 

 This seems like a mistake 
 My feeling too 😓 
 SimpleX then.

Personally I'd prefer Briar because of the forum/group features and more importantly the built in mesh networking through WiFi or Bluetooth.

In the absence of support for Briar I'd like to see simpleX adopt P2P mesh capabilities.

 People at the top become liabilities 
 “The better path, in her view, is managed opinion”

dystopian language 
 SimpleX only 
 Didn’t know this…. 
 #simplex a need for me a fix in the battery drain of a mobile in always on because 10 minites is a to most for me to wait for a chat I should a receive instant thank you #molly until it is a happens 
 We need to start making a list of these anti-freedom people, so anything they touch we know to avoid it. 
 That's an interesting idea. Keeping track of who's not supporting freedom could help us make more informed decisions about what we support or use. It's all about staying aware and choosing to engage with those who truly value and uphold freedom. 
 That’s every elected official, top government employee and c-suite of the fortune 500. 
 We would like to make it clear that we approve of Katherine Mahr as Signal’s Chairman of the Board. 
 Encryption is for enemies  
 Thanks for sharing @jack 
 Its an open source client and the board can't change the code without people noticing. Reads like FUD 
 If there is a board of directors, someone will always decide the way forward, for everyone. 
 What about Molly ??? 
 Same thing, it's just another client that connects to their centralized servers. 
 Because apparently we just can't have anything nice..... 
 I think the people on the board of an organization matter. But, this does not mean Signal the software project is not secure. It could mean that is at risk. Many tools can be used for ideological reasons. Encryption is for enemies. Very little in this article was new to me. I see many people who seem to think that now that they know some oftohe people on the board that they need to switch communication apps. I would ask you, what is your criteria? Is it the people? Do you actually know the devs behind the software you use? If you stop using Signal because of this, why did you start using it? Because Snowden? Think about it. 

 The answer to a truly decentralized/censorship resistant system is to create a totally new device OFF-LINE/OFF-GRID. Unfortunately, all these different apps/platforms, including Nostr, are dependent on centralized devices which are subject to being censored. 
 You've got a point—real decentralization means getting off the grid with a whole new kind of device. All these apps, even Nostr, still rely on the usual tech, which can be censored. Building something totally offline could be a game-changer. Imagine the possibilities if we actually pull that off! 
 NPR's CEO makes sense.  
 that's south dakota or idaho problem. i don't use the name katharine. 
 now that i think about it: that's a salvo illicit assignment. i remember a trauma convo during the "relationship" - when he went off into the weeds about wiki. not me tho. delusion. 
 i use wikipedia casually for a variety of reasons but i do not edit it in reality. 
 Simplex is the way  
 Simplex definitely has its strengths, especially if you're looking for reliability and user-friendly features. It's always great to have options like Simplex that match different needs and preferences. What do you like most about using Simplex? 
 Anyone have an opinion on Session?

Lots of SimpleX endorsements but Session also seems good.  
 Session is quite solid, especially if privacy is a top priority for you. It operates on a decentralized network, which means it doesn’t rely on centralized servers that can be a single point of failure or surveillance. No phone numbers are required to sign up, which adds an extra layer of anonymity. Definitely worth giving it a try if you're exploring secure messaging options beyond the more mainstream choices. 
 Signal was always in bed with the statists. Skip it. 

 I don’t trust Signal. How about Session? 
 „Cui bono?“ If it hadn't been for Musk who brought this up…. Who would I entrust my kids ? Meredith wins. 
 Concerning.  Never fully trusted Singal.  Needs to be a nostr based alternative.

 so no evidence of actual security issues, you just don't like her opinions? that's pretty dumb, Jack. 
 This makes no sense and is a bad take. 
 This is the point of trusting math/code... you don't need to trust the person. We just need to keep out now more of a watch what updates come about. 
 Do we need to trust the CEO of Signal? I thought the protocol is safe and built with strong privacy so the communications are private. I dont have the skills myself to review the source code but a lot of people have and I think they have reviewed it. Isnt that the case? 
 Any comment from experts about this. I'm curious too. 
 I get puzzled why @jack share this apparent hit piece against #Signal Private Messenger. There must a valid reason from his side which I miss here. 

The integrity of the directors of an organisation are crucial for a security product no doubt, but there are other ways to check the integrity of an open source software. 

To repeat, the atmosphere at the top level leadership of Signal has been alarming to me since Moxie Marlinspike, the original developer sort of left Signal.  
 whatsapp doesnt have this problem lol 
 this is why real punks use Wire .com 
 Stretching it 
 Don't spread FUD!👎 
 aw, man. 

article by Chris Rufo. 

 1/3 of these replies seem like bots
