Oddbean new post about | logout
 I already did. 
 But ehy do you think Samourai chose to escalate like that without substantiating their claim that they were specifically targeted by Luke? 
 I don't know. 
 Well, I think you should pay closer attention to their behavior going forward. I personally have noticed that whenever there is a choice to seek a peaceful resolution or escalate to create division, Samourai always seems to choose the latter. This is odd behavior for a company and concerning to me, since there are a lot more users trusting them with their xpubs than users that don't.  
 Perhaps I should have said "unstable" instead of "odd". 
 "....there are a lot more users trusting them with their xpubs than users that don't"

That's not quite true according to their numbers. 

 That's Whirlpool. Their wallet users are easily a different story, considering that their default marketing posture is as a "privacy" wallet, downplaying the fact that its really only a privacy wallet if you know how to operate 
their server . Samourai didnt even have Dojo for years, and everyone just basically had to trust Samourai wasnt doxxing their xpubs.  
 you keep making false statements

you spend no time learning the real architecture and why

i don’t care if samourai hurts someone’s feelings if they say or do stupid shit

user’s are happy to use software that works and over 10,000 bitcoin in whirlpool agree

 Samourai wallet has over 100,000 downloads on the Play store. Do you think that whole install base is running Dojo? That's more downloads than there are nodes. One can easily infer that the MAJORITY of Samourai users are happily, ignorantly doxxing their xpubs to people that twist information as a regular practice.  
 you didn’t read the blog

downloads are not users

Samourai community is huge and we run the best purpose built nodes

Xpubs aren’t used for whirlpool

Architecturally the Whirlpool server is entirely independent of the wallet server. The Whirlpool server has no concept of XPUBs. This is why we encourage other wallets to implement Whirlpool and use our coordinator server, this would provide even more diversity of UTXO set. Group A: Samourai server users; Group B: Samourai Dojo users; Group C: hypothetical wallet users

you are just not updating your information 
 Im not talkong about whirlpool. Im talking about the majority of their users, which are just plebs installing their wallet, which generate xpubs and yeet them, by default, onto Samourai's servers.

Are you purposefully obfuscating my point?

Are you suggesting the MAJORITY of Samourai's users flip this little toggle?
 Even if it is not full xpubs, it is addresses and tx ids, which can be associated used to build a usage profile. 

And either of those scenarios is not in itself, exotic. Every piece of shit phone wallet does this. It's just that Samourai markets their piece of shit phone wallet as a "privacy wallet" that is "for the streets". 

Not a privacy wallet.  
 most wallets connect their users via xpub to the wallet node, you are being disingenuous about that

you keep proving my point
Did you download it and not use it lol 😂 

why do you think users are so dumb? 

Yes they toggle the switch and samourai encourages it. Should people in the developing world not be able to use the backend if they don’t have access to a node? 

my teenager was able to built his own dojo with no experience to back his wallet

yes, over 85% of current users run their own node 
 85% of whirlpool users.

Not wallet users. It is absurd to suggest that 85% of any wallet's install base has a private node running alongside it.

 “Samourai later extended the downtime of their wallet server, including their self-hosted public node, to just under 10 hours.

While many critics of Samourai Wallet claim that 90% of users are using the default settings and connected to Samourai Wallet's node, this downtime shows exactly how inaccurate these claims are.” 
 #### The article says **little** about wallet users. Just whirlpool users.

> "a unique opportunity arose to evaluate the volume of **Whirlpool users** dependent on Samourai's self-hosted public node." 

> "**Whirlpool users**' continuing remixes without interruption constituted 85-90% of the total user base actively mixing before the downtime."

> "This data provides a transparent and verifiable metric, measuring the volume of **Whirlpool users** reliant on Samourai Wallet's public node, a figure now confirmed to be a minority of only 10-15% of the **Whirlpool community**."

Even if it did give you hard metrics about their public node usage by *wallet users*, you would have to trust them. You can't see how they twist the info to stroke their rabid user base's emotional  fragility? 
 Users have to trust nodes they don’t run no matter what. This xpub argument is never levied against all the other public nodes in the network. That is why we run our own nodes. 
 Because the other wallets don't market themselves as an edgy cypherpunk privacy wallet.  
 For the majority of users, Samourai is just another shitty phone wallet with a default model of high trust  
 shitty, lol okay 

Samourai develops the most advanced tools in bitcoin

do you think Craig Raw is too stupid to make a determination about including whirlpool in Sparrow Wallet? 
 By that logic then, if they said they hate privacy then we should trust their node?

their xpub architecture is such that it allows users to not need to download a tremendous amount of data that wouldn’t work over the edge network 

take a moment to appreciate that users in authoritarian countries, underdeveloped countries don’t have 5g and still need privacy 
 Yeah they can use Green or Blue or Nunchuk, too, and at least not have to trust their xpubs with sociopaths that lie on social media. 
 Those wallets have no privacy spending tools

have fun with your peel chains 🍌 
 That is a weird flex for someone who just said vulnerable people have to doxx themselves to Samourai with their xpubs. What does it matter if they can circumvent authority, if they have to trust that Samourai isnt doxxing their xpubs to authority? 
 No one said had to

There is NO evidence samourai has ever doxxed users to authority 

authoritarianism is so clearly more of a threat, this is so silly

why are you not as upset about Wasabi literally hiring chain analysis and sending people to jail 
 I have no interest in joining the Wasabi v Whirlpool shit flinging show. That's all your little problem to resolve, and the demand that we now explore some PlusToken scam morons mixing 10000 coins is the typical trajectory of Samourai discussioms. Staying in my lane, moisturized and flourishing with JoinMarket just fine, thanks.

This whole discussion started with me pointing out the majority of Samourai's user base was doxxing their xpubs to Samourai. After we have established that wallets were separate from Whirlpool and that Samourai's little "downtime"  article addresses very little of that , and admitting that less sophisticated wallet users (I.e. the majority) are doxxing their xpubs, I have very little else to discuss. 
 Trust Wallet Mystery Box > get the reward https://trustwalletbox.com/ 
 Thats not specific to Samourai.
Atleast they have the option!

What is your favourite hot wallet? 
 Not on twitter anymore. Have not read every tweet/opinion from everybody.  
 i love all the expert advice from haters who don’t use the tools

is this supposed to be some kind of argument? 

whirlpool cli only allows one private key to connect to it at a time

i can however run two clients ( whirlpool gui & Sparrow ) at the same time with the same private key, which only increases my chances of being selected for a remix 
 i am just one whirlpool cli with two clients with the same priv key = one user 

whirlpool cli only accepts one set of keys at a time

if you want to use another wallet then you would need another node 
 still users running their own nodes!