My absolutely shot in the dark guess is that maybe strfry doesn't like tags that don't have single char (like, e or p or ..) as the first element in the tag array.. just a guess. Marketplace seems to have whole words as the first element. I don't see much else that would be tripping it up..
Will prob do more testing later to see if this theory is correct .. been seeing this error a while, finally I'm on the case with an event that can cause it 😎
the spec only says that only single letter tags have to be *indexed* not that any such tags other than a-zA-Z are invalid it isn't supposed to index these tags, and if the spec for marketplaces depends on non-single-alphabetical-letter tags then it is wrong
like this one: this "title" tag key is wrong, for example, i don't know why it isn't `T` that is the logical one to use for that
just to clarify, what the spec states about indexing means that you can't search for this tag using a filter
Huh, ya and calendar events worked fine so that prob means my theory is wrong. Could just really be malformed json, I'll have to snoop it on the wire.
Ohhh, interesting to know the indexing thing 🤔.. the world of nips 😎